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pigleg pete

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About pigleg pete

  • Birthday 11/04/1954

Profile Information

  • Location
    Port Angeles, WA
  • Interests
    Pillaging & Plunder<br>Mystifying Magic<br>General Buffoonery<br>Face Painting & Town Painting (red only) <br>Balloon & Arm Twisting
  1. Drat - just scheduled work for the period. Will this be same weekend each year? I'll reserve it for 2008 if so!!
  2. Red Cat Jenny - you're a tease!!! And wise to the ways of a man - we long to gaze on what is not yet revealed, especially when what is revealed is so lovely..
  3. A quick look at the most feared pirate of the Straits of Juan De Fuca My garb is basically the same, cept in this picture ye can't see me pigleg!
  4. Here is the actual story link on CBC radio website - it is audio (realaudio format I believe) http://www.cbc.ca/earlyedition/media/20061004TREE.ramhttp://www.cbc.ca/earlyedition/media/20061004TREE.ram' target='_blank'>
  5. Polishing the hook, and standing by for action! - though homeported in Port Angeles, WA, I'll be in Fort Worth 12 Oct - 18 Oct, and have the 15th free. I'll be headin the fair anyway early on that date or late on the 14th, returning 15th late late late. I'm solo and I've room for supercargo if any be needing a ride.
  6. Sorry to hear about the surgery, but it gives ya more time to put together your act. I concur with playing up yer female wiles - nothing distracts and disturbs a male gambler more than a glimpse of a bit of unexpected territory we might dream of exploring!! Throws us right off our game, it does, as the brain loses all its blood flow... Can't help but be to yer advantage Some ideas for some games that might be part of a GaOP skillset: - and have been used by swindlers for decades (so fits with yer pickpocket image) Fast and Loose Pea and Shell Game Dice of some kind Cards? (think 3 card monte) Now these require some practice to get right, and can be purchased at a magic shop. Of course, if ye don't get them right, ye can always let them know a flintlock pistol is under the table aimed properly.
  7. Heard on CBC radio "The Early Show" this morn of a Vancouver BC household who has a Pirate Treehouse. They've been attacked by petty bureaucrats who say they need to spend $4000 or so for a building permit, even though the treehouse is not visible from the road. Flying under false colors, the city were, since they had told these noble folk that they did not need any permit when they began. I'm trying to find out a link, picture, etc - any Canadian Pirates out there? I think these fool bureacrats need to be keel-hauled - or at least drowned in ridicule!
  8. A long drive from you, but I'll be going to the Westport Pirate Festival this coming weekend - Westport WA (on the coast). BTW - I have an extra campsite available there -June 23-25 - some of me scurvvy crew jumped ship.
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