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About Saiolorgirl

  • Birthday 08/08/1977

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Sailing, costuming, photography...<br><br>I live on a boat, (will be a topsail schooner when I'm done), with my hubby and two little girls. We have lived aboard since 2004 and never plan to lub land again. We are going to Key West in the fall, and 2010 is going to start our circumnavigation.<br><br>
  1. It is really cool that there are going to be other people from up this way, (NJ/PA). And I will try to remember to pass on word to The Wolf, for you, (though I'm not leaving for KW for another 5 months). I'm actually friend of a friend of her Captain. (I'm friends with the Captain of Schooner Western Union, and he knows him.) Regina
  2. IF you where talking about the one in my post; no. I just bought it in NY. Going to be moving aboard in a few weeks. When we have the money, we're going to rig her as a topsail schooner.
  3. I'm going to be going at least two weekends. In the past I used to get season passes, but I just can't afford it now. I'm going the first day (Aug. 12th)... It's the weekend after my B-day and I'm going to try to get all my friends to go that weekend. I'm planning to rent a gown, (if I can afford that). The other weekend that I'm sure I'll go is the weekend before we sail south to the pirate infested Key West. It will probably be Oct 7th. I'll be hanging out at Capt'n Shucks...
  4. That's me... I have more pictures, but I'm not blonde in them, they're from before I was blonde. ... So find me at PiP! LOL!! Be gentle on my though, I have social anxiety, so putting myself out there like this is a big deal for me... (But I'm really excited!)
  5. I "believe in" personal responsibility. What I put in my body is my business, and how I behave is my responsibility. If I do something dangerous, it doesn't matter if I'm "on something" or not, I am responsible for what I do. There are some people that "shouldn't" do certain things. There are some people that shouldn't own aminals, some that shouldn't have kids, and some that shouldn't smoke pot, some that shouldn't do acid, some that shouldn't drink... But I am all for personal freedon/personal responsibility. I'm for the legalization or decriminalization od "drugs". All Prohabition does is, (as stated in an earlier post), make "bad guys" rich and turn "average" people into criminals. People are going to do what they're going to do. I think the money being spent on the "war on drugs" should be used to promote accurate information and help for people who need it.
  6. I'm trying to figure out how to put up a picture. I finally got the avatar, (I think). "The error returned was: The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem" So...
  7. Yes, I am a girl as the name suggests, (it's be pretty damn funny if I wasn't though). For the most part the problem is that I can't afford clothes, and don't have the room for them aboard. (We're a single income family.) But I do have some, every Year I try to make myself one new historical/historically inspired outfit. But what I want is a 18th century gown. I like every dressed up clothes, (through woman used to wear them as everyday clothes). I just need to invest more in my wardrobe when we get the big boat.
  8. I have been trained be the "norms" as well as by my faire friends to call it garb. Personally, I would be in heaven to be able to wear historically inspired clothing daily. But alas, I can not afford it...
  9. I love it. A lot of the "pirates" I know firstly don't know a thing about boats and secondly, don't seem to care... I love that you're willing to ask, and that so many of you know! I'm going to be working on rigging a boat soon... I don't know much of the logistics. But by the time I'm done... We're also going to need to make all the sails.
  10. How magnificant... a place to discuss garb... I love this site already! Regina
  11. I wasn't there last year... Is Pirate Soul helping to advertise at all? And also there needs to be good transportation. My hubby said something about there having been a bus... but I don't remember. We walked to and from the Fort, which is a pain in the ass when you live at the seaport, (I live on a boat).
  12. Well, we are going to be leaving Philadelphia in September or October... So we'll definitaly be there. Getting to the Fort is a whole different issue, (I have no car). We went a couple years ago, we didn't know anyone there. I think it would be more fun if we/I knew some people who where going to be there.
  13. I am going to be in Key West in time for the Pirate Fest. I may have room on the boat for a few pirates to stay with us, (me and my family). I'm hoping the boat will be ready by then.
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