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Calico James Flint

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About Calico James Flint

  • Birthday 12/09/1979

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  1. I too have been wondering this as well. It seems to me that I once saw a picture of a sailor of the period or slightly later that had sailed in Polynesia and had the traditional facial and leg tats of the Polynesian warriors, ie., the smack comb tats, similar to : http://www.mooreatattoo.com/ , just not as elaborate. I can't recall where I saw this, I think it was on NPR several years ago, so I can't say for sure the time period, but I was thinking of doing some temporary facial tats in this manner for myself, or look into possible Indian Tattooing, as I wear the Buffalo "jesus sandals" and have incorporated an India voyage into my character. Great subject!
  2. yeah, I'm pretty sure that it was Kobe. This site also shows some effects of building damage in the 1990's to what looks like buildings in the Kobe region (it appears to me that the entire page is earthquake damage in the region, but I haven't read it in detail) and there is some toppling that looks due to liquefaction on it also: http://www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/pub/louie/cl...fects-kobe.html
  3. Sir Henry Morgan, thanks for that info, I'm gonna have to look into this more! I'm a geology student, and historical siesmic events are my favorite! Thanks for the link. That's some MASSIVE liquefaction by the sound of it. In the 40s or 50s Japan experienced large scale liquefaction in Kobe, and many of the buildings were very heavily designed to stand up to large quakes. A row of apartment buildings withstood the earthquake and then tumbled into each other like dominoes due to liquefaction. Impressively scary to say the least... Calico James
  4. ah! Thanks Jack, that's precisely what I was looking for! It's got a long collar on it (I guess that's the proper name) and should hold up a nicely!
  5. Wasn't sure whether this should go here or in Captain Twill, but as I'm not going for 100% accuracy, I thought here would be fine. I'm looking for me a boarding axe, and have stumbled across this: http://www.colonialgunworks.com/spike_axe.htm I read in this post http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=980 that boarding axes would've had a spike, but other than that, I'm not sure if this is a good choice... methinks so, what do ye think? Also, anybody no anybody who makes a good/affordable grapplin' hook? I'm thinking of just finding a metal worker to twist one up outta some sqaure stock...... but if anyone has some definite ideas/links/suggestions as to prefabbed ones, or ideas for proper design, I'd appreciate it. Thanks mateys....
  6. what would they want with an empty barge?!?!?!?!
  7. Hey everybody, This year's Tennessee Ren Fest in Triune, TN (Just south of Nashville) is having a Pirate Invasion weekend on May 20-21: "May 20 - 21: Pirate Invasion Sir Francis Drake and a crew of scurvy pirates land on the shores of Covington Glen. Hunt for buried treasure in a scavenger hunt, and see swashbuckling swordsman duel faster than you can say "Yarr!"" Check out http://tnrenfest.com/ . Me crew (a rough gang) is plannin on bein thar at least Saturday. Calico James
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