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Posts posted by pyrateleather

  1. I still have no books, but am due to get Red-Handed Jill's next, and then Patrick's. Possibly both at the same time?

    Red Handed Jill's book should be to you by week's end. I haven't received anything after that one but I know Kate is working on it.


  2. Sorry folks, things have been nuts around here, I haven't been able to log-in to the pub in close to a month. Due to corporate B.S. they've blocked all forums from our office computers & I've been having some computer issues at home too. Ransom, I got the message about you being out of town via email & not to send the book until around the 22nd but couldn't log-in to the pub to respond and now I'm a couple of days past the 22nd. I just have one book, Red Handed Jill's which I received in mid-August. It will be on its way out to Ransom ASAP. I believe Patrick's is the next one I should be receiving which I believe Kate will be sending shortly.

  3. Received Red Handed Jill's book from Kate yesterday. Wow, these things just keep getting more impressive each time.

    Ransom, I'll try to get it done and sent to you soon if I can since I know you are currently bookless.

  4. Sorry I didn't respond sooner... Yes, I got mine & they are so cool! Great work everyone. I'm patiently awaiting the return of my sketchbook hopefully in a couple of months & plan to attach the trading cards from round 1 and 2.

  5. I am sending Sophia's book to Ransom Express Mail today so with the holiday Saturday it will arrive on Monday... I intended to mail it when Ransom got back from her trip but then I left town and forgot.

    This is the only book I currently have so it will leave me with no books until I get the next one from Kate. Once I get that one I'll try to get it done quickly so we can fill the gaps where people have no books. Can't believe it's been almost a year!

  6. Just waiting on Chrispy's and Pyrate Leather's card, but I got a note from Chrispy last week saying that he was sending them out... I presume I will hear from Pyrate Leather soon, or perhaps he has just sent them as he likely has our address from the Sketchbook thing.

    Sorry life has thrown you a curve ball (or a few) Sjöröveren, thanks for letting us know!

    I will be sending mine Priority or Express today or tomorrow, I do still have the address from the sketchbook project. Sorry for the delay.


  7. Wood guns, however, are perfectly legit historically. They were known as "Quakers" and were used to "supplement" the real iron and bronze guns on deck. Thereby, pirates increased their intimidation factor with little extra weight added (which affects draft and speed).

    I've often wondered what portion of guns on real pirate ships were Quakers and what were firing iron.

    Interesting tidbit I hadn't heard before. Thanks for sharing.

    sutlerjon, VERY NICE WORK INDEED!

  8. I'll have to look for where I got the Hemp canvas from..... about two years ago for my Birthday, Tales of the Seven Seas gave me a gift certificate to a place that sells dying stuff outta the Bay Area (and I'm on their mailing list... I just can't remember their name right now... (you think the rum has something to do with that?) (Oh yeah... and wasn't that sucha Cool gift from Tales......)

    Darma... Dharma.... something like that ...Trading company....(I'll look it up from my e-mail folder later... link an' all....)

    Anyway.... Hemp is the way to go.....

    If you have tried linen for a shirt, instead of cotton..... Well hemp for Slops is just as much better than cotton canvas fer slops (Yeah... I know that doesn't type out right)

    Would that be one of these? Looks like they have some nice fabrics. I've ordered dyes from them before.

  9. Here are a few...

    A Pirate's old parrot called Paul

    got a gift - an inflatable doll;

    when he gave it a kiss

    it just gave him a hiss

    and then whistled and flew down the hall

    There once was a Captain O'Doul,

    Quite an unlucky old fool.

    skinnydipping one night

    a shark took a big bite

    Now O'Doul Has A peg for a tool

    A Captain O'Leary's old parrot

    Was a foul mouthed bugger, I swear it,

    washed his mouth out with soap

    tied him up with a rope

    Nothing worked, so we just grin and bear it!

    A strapping old Pirate named Brock,

    'twas said he stayed up round the clock,

    The ladies revered him,

    And the sailors all feared him,

    Because he had a nineteen inch,

    Sword that hung down the side of his leg... your dirty mind thought I was going to say something else, didn't you?

    You young buggars think yer all the rage,

    But Hoi, I'm quite good for MY age,

    Arrgh, I'm quick in the riggin'

    And me dinghy's a big'n,

    Hey, it took two lads to haul it on stage.

  10. I would too....but like I said...I lost her phone number when I transferred my old phone to my new one and didn't save the PM she sent me with it on the pub. :lol:

    Want to PM me with her address and I will try and look her up in the local phone book and see if I can track her down? I just don't know her real name or anything...so I have no way of looking other than that. Or you can email...that might be easier.


    Does HER book possibly have any contact info like phone # or email address in it? Does someone have her book & could check?

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