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About pyrateleather

  • Birthday 10/27/1977

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  • Location
    Shawnee, KS
  1. Red Handed Jill's book should be to you by week's end. I haven't received anything after that one but I know Kate is working on it. -Clay
  2. Sorry I've been away for so long, I'm still in and my cards should be arriving at Pew's on Friday 10/30.
  3. Sorry folks, things have been nuts around here, I haven't been able to log-in to the pub in close to a month. Due to corporate B.S. they've blocked all forums from our office computers & I've been having some computer issues at home too. Ransom, I got the message about you being out of town via email & not to send the book until around the 22nd but couldn't log-in to the pub to respond and now I'm a couple of days past the 22nd. I just have one book, Red Handed Jill's which I received in mid-August. It will be on its way out to Ransom ASAP. I believe Patrick's is the next one I should be receiving which I believe Kate will be sending shortly.
  4. Received Red Handed Jill's book from Kate yesterday. Wow, these things just keep getting more impressive each time. Ransom, I'll try to get it done and sent to you soon if I can since I know you are currently bookless.
  5. Me too please!
  6. Awesome pic!
  7. I bought these online at Fancyflours.com a while back: Pirate Cookie Cutter Set 5" Copper Skull & Crossbones
  8. Sorry I didn't respond sooner... Yes, I got mine & they are so cool! Great work everyone. I'm patiently awaiting the return of my sketchbook hopefully in a couple of months & plan to attach the trading cards from round 1 and 2.
  9. Very creative indeed! Great work Bilge!
  10. I am sending Sophia's book to Ransom Express Mail today so with the holiday Saturday it will arrive on Monday... I intended to mail it when Ransom got back from her trip but then I left town and forgot. This is the only book I currently have so it will leave me with no books until I get the next one from Kate. Once I get that one I'll try to get it done quickly so we can fill the gaps where people have no books. Can't believe it's been almost a year!
  11. If LadyB doesn't end up wanting them, I'll take 'em.
  12. It's a great CD, a contrast of styles that somehow just flows and all fits nicely together! I'd highly recommend it!
  13. Congrats on your new tent. Good to see you and the kids this weekend!
  14. I will be sending mine Priority or Express today or tomorrow, I do still have the address from the sketchbook project. Sorry for the delay. -Clay
  15. Interesting tidbit I hadn't heard before. Thanks for sharing. sutlerjon, VERY NICE WORK INDEED!
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