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Tora of Tortuga

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About Tora of Tortuga

  • Birthday 09/20/1974

Profile Information

  • Location
    Mentone Beach
  • Interests
    Arr, I fancy Robbery at High Sea, Tall Ships, Flintlocks, Cannons, Gun Powder, Booty, Buried Treasure, Rum, the occasional Wench and Plunder!!! <br><br>Oh you mean my other interests. <br>----- <br>Partaking in local Renaissance Faires, Studying Dark Ages to Medieval Era, and Pre-United States to Civil War American History, Practicing Calligraphy, Painting Illuminations, Archery (Traditional and Japanese Traditional), Metal Detecting, Drawing/Sketching, Reading and Writing of Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels, Computers, and of course World of Warcraft.
  1. I have seen both of the POTC CD Players at my local Target. Almost got the Compass but I do not listen to CDs. Now if they could come up with an iPod/MP3 Player POTC Compass, that would be what I would buy. (CDs just get ripped and put in storage. Unless my music computer drive dies. Not like I need another iPod have two already.)
  2. My Grandfather(on my mother's side) was a Navy Sailor, he did a lot of knot work like this before I was born and some after I was born. Now I just wish I was more interested in pyracy/Sailor type skills when I was younger when he was still with us. Oh what he could of probably taught me. I have a few pieces of his knotwork still laying about the house. And seeing this thread ( ) makes me want to take up this wonderful craft of knot working. Can anyone suggest any books that would be helpful? (please PM them to me to keep this thread free of frayed knots.)
  3. ^ Both, they have their times when I need/want to listen to both. (currently been on a sea shanty kick tho.) < is reading Under The Black flag, about half way done. see the post in twill (sticky) V If you could make a movie about pyracy in the Golden Age of Pyracy who would you focas on, or would you do a fictional period pyrate movie?
  4. Yes....human toilets are not convienent to mermaid tails..... Heck, Faire privys are not convenient to any one especially if you got a couple ales in ya and in garb. I know I have problems with most porta-privys they are just to darn small.
  5. Aye, The Collector's Edition will be mine, says I. Can not wait till Dec 5th now.
  6. Question regarding the second book is this the same title? "A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas, by Nigel Cawthorne" >>>CLICK<<< Just checking picked up "Under the Black Flag" and didnt want to get the wrong one for the second.
  7. If you know Adobe Photoshop and ye dont want to empty your treasure chest I would check out Gimpshop for windows. http://www.gimpshop.com
  8. Not sure to be honest since I do not have PowerPoint in front of me I use OpenOffice's presentation software. But you should try to see if you can "Export it as web page" or something along that line of thinking. Dunno what resolution you will get but I doubt it will be anything great. I would also try the help, search for exporting to a graphic file say, tiff or even jpeg. Heck if you can set up a post-script printer and have it save the output to a file. open it that way in illistrator/photoshop.
  9. ^ He seemed an interesting fellow, if you mean the condition/term then my psychology class didnt go into it much. < Wishes he could get to Ojai faire V Books or Movies? (same a book just in movie format.)(for me books because my imagination is far more creative then what ive seen in films. mostly.)
  10. Look closer at that image first off it is a negitive ie the words are in reverse. So if you looked at it from the front it would be correct other the Americas would be on the right hand side of the map and north still be at the bottom of the map. Just pointing it out.
  11. Mad Jack here is one on me mate Heck I do not tell people freely in public I am a IT guy heck my family thinks I work in an adult book store selling marital aids. When I was younger I always was the one they(family) called to fix a computer so when I was in college I thought up the Adult Book store job and have kept it going since.
  12. Computer Network Administrator, ie I keep all the computers at my comapany running smoothly, plus I make sure all the employees can browse for porn while not doing their work. Other then my day job, I do calligraphy and illuminiations on the side for fun nothing for sale and nothing I have done imho is worth scanning yet I am getting better. My big pipe dream project is to make a large map done with period inks and gesso. (sorry to raise this thread from the depths of Davy Jones Locker...flog me if need be)
  13. You Are 75% Strange! You are pretty darn strange. You're quirky and odd, and definitely not normal. But that's great--it makes you an interesting person. You aren't exactly as strange as they come, but congratulations on being quite unique! Hehe
  14. Perfect I was just eyeing Under the Black Flag, this just gives me a good reason to pick it up, ill grab a copy tonight on my way home. And I will look for the other book also if I have to I will order it. (Edit added last bit) Yes I am up for the read and discussion of both books so count me in.
  15. Christine, Easy go over to www.google.com click on "More" above the search box then click on Froogle then type in "triquetra" then click search and start browsing. This should help I hope. Just avoid ebay. Alot of the sites have a rating they are usually pretty good but not always use your best judgement. If you have time before your friends birthday ever think of making one yourself for them? Anyways hope you find what you are looking for.
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