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Everything posted by Aedon

  1. "Ehh? I smelt free drinks." Oh, it's a new lass. *sliding up close* "Ye have to watch the dogs around this pub. They know no shame." *strikes a gallant pose* "I'll have whatever she's having, Ray."
  2. Black Sheep
  3. Demon Kittehs
  4. "...you didn't notice it being slipped onto your plate, I believe..."
  5. Interesting reading, mates. Bo had me drooling on my keyboard in quiet retrospect, then Patrick brought me to Earth again. I love this pub.
  6. ^ ...is still a swivel-gun? And has a lovely Christmas avvie.
  7. Aedon

    ^, <, V

    ^ Its usually a hasty affair involving lots of newspaper, so I say neither. How's that for sidestepping? < My knee hurts and I've not the foggiest why it might be behaving in such a manner. V If you can't be a GaoP pirate anymore, would you be a 1920's rum-runner or a 2000's Chinese hijacker?
  8. Burning wood, heavy smoke, strong earth scent... memories of too many nights with too many people having massive bonfires, parties of the aforementioned sort, afterparties around the smouldering ashes. I feel like a geezer, man. Memories from smells?
  9. Come to think of it... wrath is a close second. Ooh... gotta think hard.
  10. Alright, it's probably been done, but here it is again, and shiny hasn't been rubbed off yet. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you most personify? (To refresh your memory, or for those of you not raised Catholic) * Lust? * Gluttony? * Greed? * Sloth? * Wrath? * Envy? * Pride? I suppose I'd have to be pride. I'll admit I'm pretty much a narcissistic, conceited bastard when it comes down to it. Let the introspection and self-bashing commence! (Or post someone else's vice - we are pirates, you know.)
  11. 1) I lose track... hard to check your pocketwatch when, A) you are wearing boxers and it's pitch black outside. The light of a candle doesn't cut it. 2) I drove an hour and a half the other day... night... dark time to wait outside a sushi bar til they opened. In my smoking jacket and drawers... and bucket boots. 3) Never. I hate breaking promises to number one. 4) Constantly. If I get breakfast at six when they open, I can get a nap before Trig., except I need to do that homework, but I can sleep in the car between classes if I..... ad nauseum. 5) Smoking jacket, drawers, bucket boots... me lady likes her pirate to be... well... piratey. 6) They're used to it. 7) Amen. 8) I'm Saul Judah, and I'm here to sell you the MagicBullet/SweepN'Mop/BonzaiChopper/GinsuKnives... 9) Boots add to that impression in a distinct manner. 10) I had a religious experience involving the March Hare and Jell-O Puddin Pops. 11) Not THAT often...
  12. Welcome to the 'Pub, mate.
  13. Something about my knotwork on a girl (bracelets etc.) drives me nuts. It's like marking my territory, but much less urine involved.
  14. Oh, and an eternally bothersome question- Scars. What's the opinion of our fair pub lasses on scars. Not horrific, but noticeable... Hands and chest, mostly. Knife cuts aren't fun. XD
  15. This is exactly why I keep a couple jackets in the car. Light, heavy, I'm always, "Hold on, I've got a coat for you..." Aedon to the rescue. Dress in many layers at a football game, go home half naked. My jackets are all over the county in various ladies' cars/apartments/houses. I'm either amazing, or amazingly stupid.
  16. Aedon


    Just what was worn in the GAoP? My knowledge is far from complete and I lack several key areas. In the spirit of "one day at a time," I'll pose these closely related questions. O ring belts- accurate for our period? and- just when were they used if not GAoP? I apologize if echoing previous questions, I was unable to locate an answer in the available threads. Ducking in case of a storm, Aedon
  17. ^is also a swivel-gun!
  18. Aedon

    ^, <, V

    ^ Getting out the cold gear for kayaking the river. It never lasts long, just long enough not to head into the wind in a tee-shirt. < Had a crazy near death virus Wotan's Day this week, still woozy and somewhat drugged. v What color hat do ye prefer?
  19. tightly, and strode forth...
  20. and rather soggy boots.
  21. As to the "feel" of a real battle, I agree. I have attempted similar fights with cheap (read: $10 - $20 from Walmart) guns. No hopper, limited ammo supply, and honestly, not a lot of creeping about. In my experiences, it can be done easily without the kit. The rub came in formulating a piratical enough scenario since period kit was a no go. In one instance, the pirates loaded into a canoe and attempted to take a small "fort" we used for paintball anyway back in the swamp. Lots of fun, but it takes a certain atmosphere to go properly pirateish. My two cents, Aed
  22. I am going to need a new coat this winter. It's enevitable. So as I cruise reliks.com, I happen upon a couple beauties. I know the are not historically accurate, and that is not the point. So, my main question would be- Of these two, the First Mate's and the Buccaneer's, which pattern (not material) is period. If both happen to be, then I suppose my pockets and I fight it out over which comes home with me. Just a note, this is primarily for an everyday coat, not re-enacting, so it musn't be to the precision you mates here in Captain Twill ponder at all hours.
  23. Mine is a composite of various stolen images, mainly a playing card from MS Solitaire. I superimposed the stolen skulls over the card designs and "weathered" it, and tah-dah, the Ace of Skulls.
  24. The moon shed little light on the abandoned coastline. Slowly, almost painfully so, a young man guided a small boat onto the shore. As soon as he had beached it, he went about inspecting it's old, barnacle encrusted hull and mumbling to himself. It's been a while since I've done any maintenance, Aedon mused. She'll need a good bit of work to be fitting again. In the distance, he noted Fort Walker, and some warehouses in the other direction. Not the ideal place to land, old boy, he thought as he scurried up the ratlines of his single mast to remove whichever colors had been placed there the day before and raised a French flag with a small, barely perceptible hole in the center. I believe that was the signal Jacques had mentioned. At any rate, the he's probably on the bottom of the ocean now. Aedon settled in for the night resting against the helm with a bottle of rum and a boarding axe nearby.
  25. Aye, in use for heaving line a wood ball is best so as not be killed when it's pitched to ye. But in this, more... piratical shoreside use, I loves me lead shot.
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