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Angus Lasseter

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Everything posted by Angus Lasseter

  1. Aye... That be the way of it... I like ow this man thinks, I do... point a fact, we er, kinda, er look alike too... *ahem* Ye'd look good wi' an eye-patch... Ransom, na worries lass... we all get grumpy n' such...
  2. Hmmm I thought Habour Masters were some what synonymous with Tax collector?? Oh no, ye didn't just say that! So yer sayin' I'd be collectin' an Harbour (not Habour) Tax? Only thing I'd be collectin' is room n' board (wine, women, an' song mebee as well Heheheh) Mind ye, Harbour Masters an' Pilots did collect a fee fer pilotin' a ship safely ta port... But that's just gettin' paid fer a job... Ixnay on the axtay ollectorpay!
  3. Am I posting in the dark, here? Okay, I guess there could be more than one pilot. As ye be sayin' When yer in port... An' as I be seein' it, if yer not in port, ye can't do th' job, so....... Mebbe I should take on bein' th' Harbour Master then? Doin' alla th' upkeep o' th' Harbour, makin' sure th' bouys ha'n't shifted er been carried off, checkin' ta see if any sandbars done appeared er shifted. Aye, lotsa work ta be done in an Harbour, a right full-time operation! A fellow Pilot er th' Harbour Master, whichever, I'm easy.
  4. Aww, mu' brudder be so kind... I c'n happily be th' Harbour Pilot fer this here towne. Humm...... Mister Pew, yer eeestablishment seems ta be gettin' mighty full. Be there a room fer another? I gots a wee boat ta sail out ta thems in need o pilotin'...
  5. Aye, tis goode ta be back aboot this fyne establishment... Wassat Lad? Binness ta discuss? Ray! Keep 'r tankards full an' you'll be a 'appy man! Sos will th' rest o' us! Now Cap'n PEW, talk ta me...
  6. Oh don' ye gimme tha', lad... Yer 'appy ta tipple no matter wot th' occasion... So stop talkin' t' Da and drynk up!
  7. Waste not, want not... Pass't o'er 'ere then...
  8. Why Thankee Hildekitt'n... And Miss McDonough! Plyin' m'wit poocheen are ye! Such fyne compn'y.... fyne indeed! Master Callenish! Thatnkee kindly wit yer compliments! long as I gots a purse ta 'ave a drynk on, that ye shall 'ave!
  9. Weeeellll... th' Lad musta done sumthin' right ta get such a title, but aye... Agreed... Capt'n ain't much wi'out a goodly crew and fine ship 'neath 'im! Iffn' Tha' brudder o' mine has done such, my hat's off to 'im! Well, if I had a hat, it would be... Tis gettin' warm in 'ere is it not?
  10. Aye... Relat'd I be ta... Wot's 'isss? Captain Dorian Lasseter? Hermmm... So he dun moved up in th' world since we last seen each ot'er... Aye, twins, more 'r less identical, cept fer me leg... an... well... (ahem) ne'er ye mind... Ohh this be nice... th' place be swarmin' wit da woman-folk... An' Ill be buyin' th' drynk fair lassey.... *wink* Rumba, lass... I thank ye fer the welcome back, to th' pub... been quite a while since I 'ad me foot in this fyne place.... Now... Slainte!
  11. Wooooooo!!!!! Dai Duit, Lassey!!! Oh, 'ave a care I donna accident'ly step on yer wit m'wooden leg 'ere.... Aye! Drink Up, Drink Up!!! Soooo... ye seen me brudder aboot?
  12. Aye Boughs n' Gels... Been 'way fer a lang time... h'n't found a prop'r berth ta get m'back 'ere til now.... oooo... lotsa new physionimies 'ere an' aboot.... Come now, 'ave a drink on me coin! Ray! ol' Bough, ya still 'ere?! Fancy tha'! Here be some gold, serve all 'round! Life's a bowl a roses!!! Slainte!!!
  13. Aye Royaliste, Ye be takin' th' words right oot o' me mouth.... (wenches, wenches ev'ry where....)
  14. I suppose we all be mad fer likin' th' wind howlin' in our faces, th' rain lashin' at us, an' the sea tossin' about th' deck!!! Folks afeared of a wee bit o' rain... pity, wot, they gonna melt! Aye lass, I expect ye ta be stared at iff'n yer gonna hold yer own private wet chamise contest :)
  15. Bugger th' English? Bugger th' English?!?! Why does ye want ta bugger th' english? On occasion I'd like ta send 'em ta see ol' Scratch, but never ta bugger 'em... A'course They doesn't hafta be on'y English, they can be French, Spanish, Dutch... th' list goes on... Unless they be in th' sweet trade, on Me ship, or one o' me compatriots vessel's.... Then, they be part o' the Brethern...
  16. Avast there! Tha' bit o' poetry is meant fer another forum.... (guffaw) Hehehe... makin' me bloody guts 'urt...
  17. AArrrrgh!!!! I's prefer th' women o'er th' cannon barrel.... Hmm... better yet I's prefer th' woman ON th' cannon barrel!!!! I's do likes a lively one! On'y think I's can take a single lash 'r two even? Me weather beaten hide can 'andle more 'n 'at!!! :) Sounds as if we's gots more'n one live round onna board here!!!
  18. Oh Cracky, 'ow 'bout some leather and lace? Or lace made 'o leather? Hmmm.... Quite th' strict one ye be.... Do ye be in charge o' discipline? Do I's get a lash 'r two? please? Meebe nail me only foot ta th' deck? Wot's I gots ta do ta gets some proper foreplay?!?! (ok.... gest kiddin'..... I think.....)
  19. Hallooo n' Welcome Lass!!! Argh! I sees me brudders been spreadin' filth 'bout me... I ain't so bad all by me own onesies.... But 'e needs to keep 'is gob shut iffn 'e knows wot's goode fer 'im! Gonna 'afta beat 'im wit me wooden leg, I do.... That'll work up a thirst... 'ave ye a tot o' rum ta share? Ay?
  20. Aye Cap.n, Fair seas an' rich plunder to ye... Me Brudder says ye gots some fine new Carronades, brings a smile to me face.... Give us a broadside salute as ye go out!
  21. Aye Lassie, Yer right, only takes one bad apple ta ruin a goode tyme... I look at it this away... tha' one bad apple, bullocks to 'em! Have a goode tyme! Iffn' they donna like it, poor them... As fer the bloke who in so many word told ya tha' yer group ta get lost, we donna want ye... Bulocks ta 'im an' 'is group!!!! If twas I who he said tha' to I'd be havin' speaks wi' the site manager 'bout 'is nastiness... 'cos in this day n age ye can't just shoot 'em :) More's th' pity...
  22. Aye!!!! Them's must need extras! Dorian n' I'd be there in 'alf an Heartbeat!!!! Hmmmm... we's comin allaway from th' right coast tho... Bugger, tha's a fur piece... well actually th' Caribbean is none too far as th' Left coast... Any soul know if'n they's lookin' yet? Or fer any other such movie makin'?
  23. Wot yer be sayin' there cap'n? Ye gots gurly men on yer ship wots like ta wear wimmins get ups? There are thems blokes who likes the lacy cuffs n' collars... bloody poofders.... Gimme wool'n linnen'n mahaps some cotton ta wear! Now th' lasses wot wears the silks n' lace n' velvet... Aye n' some perfume... Tha's 'ow it should be... bet me wooden leg on 'at!
  24. Aaarrghh!!! Me Bloody Brudder beat me to it!!!
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