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Betsy Beers

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About Betsy Beers

  • Birthday 09/18/1963

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  • Interests
    Spinning,Rabbit breeding, Reading history, spending time with grandchildren.
  1. Ye everyone, I’ve been reading all the posts since the fair. I my opinion there are a lot of good ideas, I like the pre gate opening meeting. The snig up list I think would work best if done on a web site posted at least a week before the next event (if possible), I set up a cite for my family that helps us know what’s up.... ie. A potluck list (so not everyone brings chips) where the meeting will be, what we will be doing, etc.. So I's thinking if a web cite was set up it could be used for a pot luck list and lists of what we want to do when ...like reading ____ book at ___time and people can put there name on that time. That way it helps make things a little smoother when we get together. Saying if some one can't make a meeting they’re not willing is not fair (to me) One thing I liked is that there was not a mandatory meeting, because I can't always do those things and weekends also. And things change in a month so what is decided on in a meeting might not work 3 weeks later. So I for one like the web cite idea combined with to-do list/sign-up lists and potluck lists. As for times of book readings, maybe if other shows are on the hour make ours on the quarter hours i.e.. 1:15 though 1:45 so parents have time to drop off the kids and pick them up with out having to miss shows they want to see but the kids don't or would get board at. Also that weekends can be divide by day's also and that people get at lest a 2-3 hour break to watch other shows and shop etc. not feel that it has become al work. Then maybe the every other hour to read, gate etc. and switch off days etc. These are just ideas from what posting are already posted. I believe this will work
  2. Captin on ye list o books "the barefoot book of pirates" I beleive is short stoies. "who I became a pirate" is not piored but --- try this ----this book must of come from a far away place ,a very rich place for they must of had many painters and wizads. For it shows things I never has seen or heard of ---like sun block -would that be like rubbing mud all over one self. I don't think I would like that ..... Comparing the now that they know with the past . We did it all the time in my last giuld and it worked wonders getting them to inter act. Oh please tell me a book to read
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