I am on the ESHS Ren Faire Committee, happy to say I can fill in the blanks and answer your questions.
The faire is open to the public, it is a community event. By all means come in costume!
We have about 50 booths and entertainment scheduled for the day. Vendors include students and student club booths and professional vendors such as Celtic jeweler, a leather artist, a glass artist, and a textile loomer. The majority of entertainment and demonstrations are provided by the Society For Creative Anachronism. We were hoping to have The Biggins, but they were not available. Students will also be part of the entertainment schedule.
The faire is a fundraiser for the choirs at the middle and high school to help defray costs associated with travel to competitions. ESMS is participating in a competition in San Francisco and the high school choirs are traveling to New York to sing at Carnegie Hall.
Since this is our 1st Ren Faire year we are not strict about the type of booths or requiring vendors to dress in costume. What will make this different from a community craft fair are our costumed wandering performers, the SCA, and our Queen.
I hope you will come out for our Ren Faire, come in costume, and have a great time. Come and meet me at my booth Knapsack Snacks. Visit our web page for a list of booths and the schedule of entertainment www.myspace.com/renfaireeshs
March 25, 2006
10am to 4pm
El Segundo High School
Front Lawn
600 Block of Main Street
Lady Andrea