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yarr harr

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  1. Hello there.... Ireland is good. I spent £40,000 on penny whistles once... i like canada
  2. But Alas!, I must confer with Byron over his return from the puruvian expedition. ....Alls well that ends well i suppose.-if the poor wretch ever regains his sanity that is.
  3. Me favourite o' course be kippered herring. What be yours???
  4. Yarr there, www.guitarmasta.net has quite alot o' piraty guitar tabs, jus' look under miscellaneoussasdasxqqa (or however ye spells it). I found a great sailors hornpipe tab. Ooooarghhhh attoth goorraerrrrrrgghh ye'harr garr Narwarl! :)
  5. Yee scurvy dog ov the seas! I'll get yee!
  6. Arrgh! Cannibal Corpse! Garr! Metallica! Harr! Machine head! Oooargh! Opeth! chumbucket! Nile! haeee! Soulfly! Slayer be very ggood also! Any other good metal bands i'm missin' No more emo bands please!
  7. Garr! Harr! Oooaargh! Kipper racks give a good 'n smokey sound bu' Can't be beatin' thee ole' Guitar!!!! Second best be the fiddle, they be cheaper than yee may think and great fun even if yee not folky If yee be short on cash try startin' off with a penny whistle, Aaargh, they be not a penny any more, but at least a couple of squid. Aargh I remember thee good ol' days when they only cost a penny. Then I'd ave enough left over to buy a pie from thee butcher and go fishin' on the' rocks of Akarghtttthhhththththogogreaaakakarrrr. :)
  8. Garr! ride the lighnin' metallica be a very good album! Also: Opeth-Ghost reveries, sometimes makes me feel like i be at sea But me favourite song tha' makes me feel warm inside is probably Cannibal Corpse: Infinate misery
  9. hay haul away, haul away joe! and then ee got 'is head cut off! hay haul away, haul away joe! thats all i be know'in. :)
  10. But alas! slayer and canibal corpse may be good, but I be stil searchin' for a pirate death metal band apart for that of me own'. Anyone ave' any suggestions? By the way, after drinkin' a few too many a' rum, i seem to ave' forgot when national talk like a pirate day is! Please sail over to me new web site at: www.myspace.com/thecutlassheadcharity
  11. Arrgh! sandwiches arrr the best! i'll be byin' a freezer!
  12. Mine was Tarpaulin Slinger Edward! YEAH! I think this name rocks I think i'll go and change my name right now! OOOOOooaaaarrggghhh! Never mess with Tarpaulin slinger edward
  13. I be playin' the guitar and the sextant! so i is never bein' lost at seA! I HAVE A DIDGERIDOO BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY IT.
  14. oooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggg ggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! YARRRRRR! OOOARGH!
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