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About Freebird

  • Birthday 11/30/1962

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    WENCHES, Ale and Halloween! (but mostly wenches!)<br><br>Started to attend Renaissance Fairs in PA with my house wench and found that pirates were close to my 20 years of Navy tradition. Started looking into them and here I am. <br><br>We maintain a Halloween yard haunt site to keep the undead spirits malingering at least once a year. I invite everyone to visit our web site.
  1. Gotta love robots.
  2. Ahoy mates. Just got done laughin' me sword and musket off at this site. Give it a try! www.buspirates.com
  3. AYE! Glad I be walkin' in durin' the makin's of good ol buzz. <chuckles> Grand to meetchya Lady Silkie. <tips tricorn and bows>
  4. ...as long as there green ones!!
  5. Might sorry to hear of your hurtin' Cap'n. Your mate will always be there in your memory. <hoists a mug> TO MATES!
  6. -bitch- Any Capt'n's EX!!!
  7. Fair winds mate.
  8. A grand welcome Silkie. Getting back to the round...I thankee kindly.
  9. Now we can sing along with the worst of them?
  10. Nothin like rum on a Saturday night.
  11. AYE! I fired that mate after that night some where in the norther cold of oriental Pacific...ain't seen him since.
  12. AYE! Had a talk with Capt'n Morgan years ago...harsh words they were. Still on even course with the vodka though. hehe
  13. Alright...I'm getting too drunk on Bacardi tonight to follow any stories. I'm wonderin' what the heck everyone's having tonight. I'm downing Bacardi and Pepsi's tonight. Forgot that I stashed my brandy down stairs. DANNGIT!
  14. How do I feel?? Silly question from a fellow pirate. I'm always feeling hornier than a two pe*d goat! Unless it's been a hard night with the Cabo Wabo...then I'm just horny.
  15. "Winning is the only thing that matters..." --Vince THE most famous paraphrase from ...well need I say more?
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