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Chris Last

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Everything posted by Chris Last

  1. Already on it! For right now my time is a bit rough so I apologize in advance if things are slower than my normal 24 hour turnaround.
  2. What size was my question as well. We have a few ensigns and a bannerette or two that may be able to work well.
  3. Ack! Dean how dare you poke me awake, I finally got a nap! I am pleased to be working with the Port Washington crew again. We had a blast last year manning the guns and doing our weapons demos and displays. Dean has asked me again to be the point person for the different reenactment/historical/demonstration groups that would like to particpate. If you are interested in participating please feel free to email me at contact@gsmbristol.org so I can start getting a list of contacts together. Thanks folks!
  4. Pistol is sold! Rifle is still available.
  5. Fair enough! Here's some pictures of the pieces from their respective sites. I will endeavor to get some up close pictures directly.
  6. They're not period for what I normally do but they're great pieces. First is a 1978 CVA (Conneticut Valley Arms) Mountain Rifle with Percussion Lock. I assembled the kit for this one, and am pretty proud of how it turned out. Based on a discussion with CVA, the gun is a 4 screw patch box serialized barrel that should be a Douglas Barrel. This is the better quality barrel and lock system of its time compared to more recent versions. Furniture is primarily blued with a brass patch box. .50 caliber 32" blued barrel Approx 48" overall length Packaging said 1:32" twist Maple stock About 9-ish lbs. They don't make the kits anymore and the newer version of the completed gun (with inferior lock and barrel) runs $250. I'm looking for $225, but willing to entertain offers. Second is a Kentucky Pistol, partially assembled kit, again percussion lock. This is an older Pedersoli kit which now runs $200 for the kit. The one I have is missing the sideplate opposite the lock. You should be able to fashion one from some brass stock or even pick one up from Dixie Gun Works. I'm looking for $150 for the kit. Let me know if any of you guys are interested or know someone who is. I could really use the cash to offset this other habit I have (damn artillery :)) _________________
  7. Some construction photos of the Dreadnought have been posted on the Bristol Dicussion Page under the "Photo Gallery" link. BDP Photo Gallery
  8. Hello all! I have been named the Reenactor Liason for this Pirate Festival. I am also the assistant director of the group that will be performing the duties of the town militia/garrison. Its great to see all this interest and I hope we can make this event a fun one for both the participants and patrons! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me, and I'll do my best to get you answers ASAP.
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