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Everything posted by Captain_Finn

  1. http://www.myspace.com/pirateforlife theres mine! enjoy
  2. BAH! east coast pirates! We westies be so lonely..
  3. Lovely Pictures Lady Barbossa.. Ye gots urself a talent there..Hope it takes ye somewheres xD
  5. so channel 37?
  6. Hey guys what channel is it on??? i cant find it! i have basic cable.. Not the 100 channels .. like from 2-74 etc
  7. har har har! I bes agreeing with ye Patrick! I be drinkin to tat
  8. har har! Very interesting it bes says I :)
  9. Aye!! Tall raspberry cider , heavy on the raspberrys.. For teh lassie! A tale eh? Hmm .. I'll be havin to get back on teh tale some other time lass.. To much Rum fer meh
  10. Yeah for awhile now ive been working on a forum.. Pirate related.. And So far no good. If anyone here is a good skin maker and such .. Could ye please help me with making a pirate related forum. I'll give out more info if i can find somone or w/e.. Thank you for your time.
  11. Aye thank ye both for te warm welcome!!
  12. Aye! As some of ye may know, Thes be Finn , for sum reminders " Dread Pirate Finn". After ey long time of bein gone frum ye dawgs, I have returned! So eh.. Me guess i bes new meat to lots o' ye .. Bartender! Round of Drinks for all! .... Bah! there be all my pocket coins! ..
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