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Bloody Davy Kidd

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About Bloody Davy Kidd

  • Birthday 03/11/1994

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  • Interests
    pirates, pirates constructable card game, morgan's revenge, gameboy, morrowind, runescape, motorcross, and NASCAR
  1. thank ye Rumbarue for the root beer float it is most kind of you. thank ye cptn Bo for the sarsparillas. i be giving ye one as well. ciaran yes.. I'm excited as well. Picked out the fabric for it m'self. and purched it with me on plunder.i be giving ye a root beer :ph34r:Thank you Lady Pirate. LOL Callenish. yes... m' aunt is good at spreadin' the infectious hobby. Sealegs Thank you... it's debateable that she teaches me good things. Red Bess... thank you. Yup, I'll be at Port Washington. Cool! Can't wait to meet your lads! Will bring plenty of Sarsparilla and games. Do they play Pirates constructable card game?
  2. thank ye Rumbarue for the root beer float it is most kind of you. thank ye cptn Bo for the sarsparillas. i be giving ye one as well. ciaran yes.. I'm excited as well. Picked out the fabric for it m'self. and purched it with me on plunder.i be giving ye a root beer :ph34r:Thank you Lady Pirate. LOL Callenish. yes... m' aunt is good at spreadin' the infectious hobby. Sealegs Thank you... it's debateable that she teaches me good things. Red Bess... thank you. Yup, I'll be at Port Washington. Cool! Can't wait to meet your lads! Will bring plenty of Sarsparilla and games. Do they play Pirates constructable card game?
  3. SWWEEEET!! Thank ya
  4. ahoy! I be Bloodly Davy Kidd. I be new into port here. I be nephew of the lady B. I be interested in pirates I play the card game and Morgan's revenge.And like pirates of the caribbean movie.Me aunt be making a pirate costume. I cant wait to have fun here
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