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Maggie Pricklebottom

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Everything posted by Maggie Pricklebottom

  1. After a summer of good writing, not so good writing, real pirattitude and some who were weird...congratulations to the winner...someone from the pub!
  2. Idle only did this movie as a favor, he thought the script was horrid. I was surprised by all the big names in it, it was campy, and I thought it was pretty funny. At some point I will probably add it to my collection, as I Netflixed it first.
  3. Count me in as a pastafarian!!! (BTW...did you read the book? verra, verra funny)
  4. It's pretty funny that some are so offended that not everyone thought this was an Oscar worthy, top notch, now I have seen the best pirate movie ever so I can die in peace movie. It was typical sequel, flat, ...but one with excellent marketing and merchandising. People, none of you are the know all end all....everyone is entitled to their own opinion, okay? And as we learned from the Jedi, may the Force be with you (wink)
  5. For me the only worthwhile scene was the very last one. Too much special effect biz, characters that were not credible, too silly at times. Will I see POTC3, heck yes, I can stare at Johnny Depp all day long. I hope they work more on the script and less on the computer effects.
  6. My personal obervations...as far as pirates go, lame. Just how many "ho-pirates" can you fit in one venue? Seriously, a lot of really stupid "crap" for costuming. Just what pirate wore stilletto boots, shiny armor chest plate, a fox tail and maribu feathers???? Sometimes just too silly. As for the faire itself...I had an enjoyable time. Loved the commedia show, if you go next weekend make sure to take it in, it's at 12:15. As it rained heavily Saturday, Sunday when I went was very, very croweded. Next weekend is "Romance" weekend, the weekend follwing "Celtic."
  7. I will be there Sunday. I also know that the students from the Summer Theatre Institute at SUNY Oswego will be there Sunday.
  8. Kracken with a tiny Harry Hamlin....on a tiny Pegasus to the rescue of Andromeda.
  9. Tres bien cuit pour des etidiants. J'ai pense qu'il amusait. J'ai aime le canard dans l'ocean sur la carte. Merci. Mags
  10. These are called "Easter Eggs." The one in the first movie played prominently at the end of the second...Barbossa, apple, Jack the monkey with coin. This one in PoTC2 was very short, but I am assuming it also will tie into the next installment.
  11. It's too bad you can't make it across the St. Lawrence and down to Sterling on pirates weekend...we will be missin' ye. That's a nice set up...were the movie goers interested and respond well to you? Mags
  12. Maychance the Kracken took this very moment to become Vegan, and thus poor Jack is saved from being lunch. Hey, it's about as believable as Davy Jones' band of pirates.
  13. These are just my opinions, so no one shoot me, please. Saw the movie with the kiddos today...nothing close to the thrill of #1. It was the typical sequel let down. The best scene for me was the very last one. Davy Jones' crews...very unbelievable, so much so, they were distracting and took me "out of the movie." They could have come up with something better than Star-Wars left overs. Seriously...to come on here and see the comments about Empire Strikes Back made me laugh, I was telling the girls on the way home that this POTCII reminded me of the Star Wars original films. Okay, now for predictions....I got a "feeling" in the movie, don't know why...but I wonder if Davy Jones' "heart" was Elizabeth's mother, and he is her father. Perhaps an acquaintance of the governor, who adopted Elizabeth at a young age after Davy's "demise." OMG...more Star Wars. Anyway, it was something about the way he looked and the dress...something. Also, after the Easter Egg in the first one was so awesome, I felt this 15 second Easter Egg was a let down. As for the Kracken...I was expecting Harry Hamlin to ride Pegasus to the rescue!!!!
  14. If you play "The Black Pirate" on fast forward it is fabu (it is a silent film, so nothing is lost).
  15. Since I spent 15 years myself in Baltimore I would welcome a contingency from MD. Will be there on Sunday of Pirate's Weekend.
  16. Calico Jack...there indeed be pirates in Toronto. At Fort York, right in town. 8/19 - 9/4. Google Toronto Pirate Festival. Pirates weekend at the Sterling, NY Renn is 7/22 and 7/23, but that may be a wee bit too early for you.
  17. Just wanted to say "hi" to all the MD pyrates. I spent 15 years in MD, lived in Pasadena, went to undergraduate at UMBC, worked at "The John" (Johns Hopkins, oncology) and did MPH work from "The John" as well. I do miss a table full o'crabs and a pitcher with it. Old Bay right up to yer ears. I live in upstate NY and they have no clue how to make a crabcake here. In laws lived in Conowingo, so I know right where you be talkin' about in North East. Have a right jolly time and be sure to sing yer pyrate ditties loud, proud and strong! Mags
  18. I want to try to see iffin I can drag Mimi to A-bay for pirates....was there two summers ago, didn't make it last year. I hear that Singer Castle is now open for tours....need to go and scope it out. Plus, not far to visit Hill Woman at her homebase on Wellsley Island.
  19. Aye, Gary Izzo still be in charge. My daughter is attending a summer theatre program at Oswego and he will be holding a workshop for them on improv...she is jazzed about that (me too, for her).
  20. I be attending on the 23rd, with another pub pyrate...got a charge out of the fact that "no weapons" is clearly stated, but the prizes for costumes be weapons.
  21. Mimi, this be the year that goes down as the year that Jamie MacDougall was double parked...figures.
  22. Captain Bob...I see that my shipmate Mimi has done a right good job of fillin' you in...once ye start developing your character you won't forget your details...they are yours, and if they change, well it's YOUR character. For instance: Just this weekend I spent time handing out valuable pearls that I done stole from the jewelry box o' the Queen herself, and then fearing that she or her guard were just around the corner, I quickly dispersed them amongst the smallest maidens at the street festival I could find, admonishing them to n'er admit to the Queen that the jewels be her own, and thus they could keep them for'er. Now I did keep one fine strand o' pearls, as a reminder of the deed I done and how I pulled one o'er on the Queen. Hencefore, this will be a story in my character. Next time I don my pyrate shoes and hat, another piece 'o the story will be born...or this piece added onto....
  23. Stumpy...I found both shorts quite amusing. Loved the "ume" bit, and the blowing off of the hooks.
  24. Steven...as fer yer quote...profound.
  25. Well, pirates in Upstate NY are surely gettin' them thar blues. After a warm winterin' over, with record warm in January, nutin' but rain and blech since. Wake up a wonderin', "Hmmm, what shade of gray will it be today?" I am lookin' forward to some fair weather fit for sailin'....be needin' it real bad about now.
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