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About frayedknotarts

  • Birthday 09/11/1945

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    These days it's rope fancywork for customers all over the world: civilian, Naval, restaurants, and a few museums as well for repair!

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  1. (THUMP!) Well, that'll teach me to keep me feet on the footrope and stop skylarkin' about in the tops! I was aboard here about six years ago but lost the url in a crash (well, it sounds as good as aught else then!) and just now ran across a post by Mr. Cyphers on the serving mallet which brought me back here, so ye can blame HIM for the ripped mainsail! (I'll fix it next watch, Cap.n.) Nice series of posts on the subject by the way! Now, you'll pardon me while I go below and sling a hammock and see what the Grub Killer has for us to die from tonite.
  2. frayedknotarts

    Frayed KNot Arts

    Traditional Rope fancywork
  3. the "Fourth" Monday it is and pardon for the error there. Next one is Nov. 26th and we'll finally get a chance to look over John Langstaff's new "Revels Book of Chanteys and Sea Songs"! Cap'n Charlie says it's a dynamite collection and a pretty thing to boot. Cap'n William: Indeed, Manayunk (a ten minute drive from the Mermaid) HAS become "yuppified" beyond all belief. Where properties sold ten years ago for $15k, the same place now goes for several mil. The street is lousy with over-priced "restaurants" with poofty servers and meals that consist of two asparagus stalks and a bit of lamb on a bed of six grains of rice and come with a bank overdraught application. Not only that, it now extends along "Main Street" from Green Lane all the way to Midvale Ave and a block beyond.... an area formerly inhabited by those who you would not care to meet in broad daylight, let alone a darkened alley. And it's still growing. Green Street now has THREE stop signs before you get to the serious part of the hill and the property values there are beyond belief. Scarcely an "Old Family" left... The female ambulatory scenery has, however, VASTLY improved.
  4. Fortunate am I that the ship's library has a complete set and I've been thru 'em three times, and a few more for one or two. Spotted Dick's a right treat (Yez Brokeback types kin get yer minds outta THAT right smart!) but I don't think much of Salt Horse. If I wound up being anyone, it'd be Killick.
  5. Here there be singers! A bit short-noticed, but for those of the crew who happen to be in Philadelphia on the THIRD MONDAY of each month, a Sea-Chantey and Pub-Songs evening is held at The Mermaid Inn (now is that appropriate, or WHAT?) in the Chestnut Hill (Germantown) section... Webpage Here Your landlady, Joanne, has a good collection of specialty stouts and ales and can talk the brews with you all nite, if you'd prefer, or you can join in with Cap'n Fudd (Charlie Miller), Bosu'n Dan (Mendini) and the crew and make the nite cacaphonous with your favourite Chantey (New ones are MORE than welcome!) or just sit and drink... The next one is tomorrow nite, so if you've a chance, don't miss it!
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