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Blue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Blue Mermaid

  1. Indeed there was mention of an entanglement of four lips two tongues. Your memory seems to be repairing itself. The amnesia wasn't just a ruse to play upon the sympathy of us ladies in hopes of getting nursed was it? ::Walks over to Phil kissing him softly bringing back all memories of his days in France. Then holds his head against her chest running her fingers gently over his wounded head:: There, There, all better?
  2. Indeed, it is a healing balm. If the rum doesn't work, however, the trauma must be worse than initially thought. No worries though, I'm certain a kiss will will do the trick.
  3. ::Swims up from the glistening moonlit water and walks ashore rolling in a keg of rum:: Mind if I join in your party? PyratePhil, I believe I found a cure for that bump on your head. Can't say it will cure the amnesia..in fact, it might make it progress a little.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that Charity. Ray, a round of rum for Charity on me. Make that 2. One for the old issues and one for the new.
  5. Twin Town Here's one ................................................................................ ....................................... "See the way I figure, I figure this war would be over a whole lot sooner if you boys just turned right on around and headed back on down that way, and you let us head on up there where the real fighting is." ................................................................................ ......................................
  6. Fandango... Ok, ok, my turn: How many husbands have you had? Mine or other women's? Yours. Five. Five? Yes, just the five. Husbands should be like Kleenex: soft strong and disposable.
  7. I think you should add him to your buddy list. Then you would have a place to send all your spam. And when you are taking survey's online and they ask for an e-mail for the sole purpose of sending out spam give them one...his! :)
  8. Probably much better, as do most things dipped in chocolate. Speaking of which what are we going to do with these guys? ::Looks over to the bowl of chocolate then slyly over to the pyrates teathered in the center of the room::
  9. Cherries, fresh and juicy ..check. Hot Fudge, extra rich...check Irish cream, chilled (by request of Lady Barbosa) .. check Let me see .. one thing missing.. oh yea Nuts. Get over here Arthur!
  10. ::Digs through the cupboards looking for a cherry to put on top of this sundae::
  11. Well, PirateLass , you've come to the right place to learn 'bout all things pyrate. There's plenty of 'em wandering round here causin a ruckus. Welcome aborad and enjoy your stay. I'll be having a pear cider if you're buying.
  12. Ya Silkie make it good. Not too hard though, he still needs to be useful after. Just to the point where he starts to scream. Biker hun, let me know if she's hurting you too bad and I'll come kiss it and make it better.
  13. Make sure he's tied tight Silkie.. Don't want this one getting away.
  14. Silkie, there's no one lining up outside. I brought some rope with me. We may have to hunt them down, tie them up and drag them in. And maybe keep them tied up for a while. (However, I think Mad Matt is liking the odds right about now)
  15. Welcome aboard Dirty Jack. Glad you wayward travels brought you to our fine establishment. Plenty of friends and drinks to go around here. I'll have a pear cider.
  16. Welcome aboard Captain Jack Russell. I, the Blue Mermaid, have come from the depths of the blue sea. I have a small flask of blue sea water taken from the sacred island of Atlantis. Take this water and sprinkle it upon your forehead and hands. For this magical sea water will help you be prosperous. For me, I need a flask of whiskey. Drink up me heartie.
  17. It doesn't count as stealing if you give it to us just cuz we're so dang cute does it? Welcome aboard Capt Jack. I'll have a pear cider if you're buyin'
  18. something like this?
  19. I did graphic designing in So. Cal and in NV for a while. (Don't judge by my signature, its a little plain). But you guys do really nice work (from what I can tell by your signatures).
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