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Blue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Blue Mermaid

  1. So, the wrath has been unleashed. And we didn't even get to hear the thoughts laying deep within...
  2. Is that a promise?
  3. I've got you're whip cream right here... Say it..
  4. ::Not wanting PyratePhil to be sad, holds up a glass:: I'll share my rum with you. And then maybe a walk along the lagoon. And then...we'll have to see if the itch can be overlooked
  5. Perfect... then plenty to go a-round
  6. I'm all for sharing. Just some things are better kept to yourself. :)
  7. ***Phil, looking quite small and pale white, wearing thick glasses and covered in feathers, comes walking up quickly to Christine, scribbles furiously on a piece of paper, and shows it to her... ...thus, proving scientifically that she can get him going anyday. After analyzing all the data I have just one question PyratePhil.... If the answer is Pi, what kind of Pi is it? And is it just a slice or the whole thing?
  8. OK --- My real name: Psychotic clowns Pub name: Three Stooges Marathons.. Ya know, Curly's bald head and Moe .. why I otta ....
  9. Thanks for sharing... Even better, thanks for not sharing
  10. ::Looks around the room at the mangled pile of people sleeping:: Uhhhhmmmm ::clears throat:: You really aren't supposed to sleep at a slumber party. Anyone for strip twister? ... ::Spins the arrow:: Right hand red!
  11. So Jacque it shall be... I do look forward to the favor being returned. ::Breaks open the rum and shares a glass with Jacque:: CHEERS! ::looks around baffled:: Barrels of rum being passed out and no one's interested? Seems we've been deserted Jacque.
  12. We'll have none of that! ::Runs and jumps into the once again sloshy mud pit.:: Much Better! ::looks around the room at everyone standing in the corner like a junior high dance:: Now who's gonna join me?
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