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Blue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Blue Mermaid

  1. Welcome back! I was also hit pretty hard. Fortunately, I had just reformatted my computer, so when I had to do it this time it wasn't so bad. How many people do you think are still without computers due to the virus?
  2. Well I certainly wouldn't have guessed you were hiding it there! ::Grins slyly:: I'll let you hang onto it for a while. I'm sure you can put it to good use.
  3. If you hand it over, I might let you use it.
  4. ::Begins a thourough pat down::
  5. ::Reaches for the can of whip cream to find it empty.:: Now what did I do with that spare can? ::Looks around to see Phil had confiscated it::
  6. ::Slowly licks up the remaining trail of whip cream nibbling just a little along the way. Looks down to see the chocolate smeared upon her blouse:: Seems I enjoyed myself a little much there.
  7. ::Reaches to loosen the ties ..just a little...:: Seems we've cut of blood flow
  8. Have we twitterpated you to the point of incognizance?
  9. Hee Hee Hee ::giggles incisively as Phil has found her ticklish spot:: Quite an unusual custom.
  10. ::Runs her finger through the chocolaty whip cream and licks it from her finger:: So, Siren, are you sure you only like to watch?
  11. What more could a pyrate ask for... ::Finishes off her glass of rum. Sits down leaning back to watch the moonlight dance upon the water. Enjoying the moonlit seduciton runs her feet through the sand:: What a beautiful evening indeed.
  12. I was refering to Ship's Master But that too... Now back to the flood control issue
  13. Phil, you just took me to the next level
  14. Wow, I just got a flood control warning on this board.. Now where was I? Oh yes, line of ready whip swerving something like this..right above the D-ring... Ok.. I think we're missing some hot fudge..extra hot.. drizzled slowly along the whip cream trail.
  15. Just checking.. because complaining gets a tighter sinch, more lashes and extra torture.
  16. Oh wait. Now where did he go? Hmmm. Seems we rab Mad Max off. Sorry Phil, looks like your our only victim..having to endure the brunt of our mischief
  17. I see we have no need for fighting or even sharing Siren. Seems there's now plenty of whip cream pallets to go around.
  18. Takes the can of ready whip and draws a swerving line starting at his collar bone down his chest and stopping just above his D-ring.
  19. Wow ... quite impressive
  20. I'm sure we'll have no problems sinching you down nice and tight. ::Grabs hold of the D rings and..:: Glad to see you're enjoying this. ::Removes Phils shirt:: Textiles and whip cream just don't mix
  21. I've got my can-o-ready whip and an extra one just in case. I may need some help tying him down though siren.. He seems to be a little feisty
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