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Blue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Blue Mermaid

  1. Glad you like, Mad Matt. No Okie accent on me, hope you don't mind. So Jacky, become a gamblin' man have you? Go ahead and bet big, don't think you can lose this one. What was he wearing indeed? Sorry ladies, no pictures of that to post wouldn't want to lose our PG-13 rating.
  2. B.L.U.E. Babe Luxuriating in Unrestrained Embraces M.E.R.M.A.I.D. Minx Exchanging Rapturous Massage and Arousing Intense Delights Pretty Close.
  3. Awe Thanks Red Cat Jenny, So nice to be missed. I suppose I have been away for awhile. Swimming the depths of the ocean can take quite a toll on a mermaid. Here's to the return of Blue Mermaid, Blackfoot, PirateSSe, and hopefully Hester! Drinks on me! Thanks Blackfoot for the myspace plug
  4. My ears are ringing! I could hear the voice of Blackfoot beckoning me from the deep. Here I am with a huge oyster full of treats fresh from the sea for all. Lobster, crab cakes, shrimp, calamari, scallops, and of course fresh fish. Have you ever tried sea-pancakes? It is a Jelly Fish fried until golden brown with a little bit of butter. Oderlesseye, this pancake has your name all over it! Yumm. So, what is your pleasure? If I don't have it here, I can fetch something more..
  5. Looking foward to this!
  6. It is too small to tell for sure... but I would have to say yes...photoshopped
  7. Hey..you got yours in before me. Kind of contradicting ...sorry hunting season
  8. rapid reproduction
  9. As often as granted by King Neptune. My visits to the pub granted by King Neptune include my freedom to walk. While my visits must be followed by a return to the sea, I can assure you I have as much grace on land as I do in water.
  10. Why thank you Capt. Sterling for the drink. As for the necklace, I'm certain we can work out a trade. Perhaps you can train me in the art of fencing for which payment would be enough pearls for a beautiful necklace. A mermaid never knows when such skills would be required.
  11. Welcome Miss Tess to our fine establishment. Seems I'm a little late with the hello's. Tosses her purse upon the bar, still wet from her latest ocean raid. Ray, I'll have a pear cider...Hope you don't mind if I pay you in pearls.
  12. Digging your fingers into the sand
  13. Big bow on a little gift? ... Overcompensating.
  14. Don't worry Kendra ... It only lasts a few hours, maybe a day. I've almost shaken it.
  15. Naked people you'd really rather not see naked
  16. Elvis in a poodle skirt with your beloved mother?.. Strange yet facinating
  17. A mermaid spa? I must be in heaven. Sign me up for the full body massage. Who might be the masseur de jour?
  18. I would definately go with a more saturated color. The paler colors tend to make the fair-skinned (like us) appear washed out. The cooler colors in the green to purple range tend to be associated more with mermaids - prehaps its the water factor. Going orange/red would definately look bold. Whichever you choose, I think it should have some shimmer to it. Here are some colors I thought might look nice.
  19. Chili Dog - (my dog's nickname)
  20. While contratulations seem to be in order, I'm certain all the Congratulationsare due to Boats. After all, he has managed to get the much desired Rumba to say "Back off men, I'm taken!" I wish you all the best. Many years of love and happiness to you both.
  21. Welcome back lass. 'Tis nice to have the dashing William the Bloody join us. A round of hot cider on me.
  22. I was thrown over the shoulder of a pyrate and dragged here. In true "damsel in distress" fashion. Well, maybe not too much distress None the less, I made it here in one piece and loved it.
  23. Depends on my mood...But sounds about right. Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many. The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately. You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss. A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract.
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