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Cannon Jack

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About Cannon Jack

  • Birthday 07/26/1977

Profile Information

  • Location
    Im a gunner not a navagator
  • Interests
    You name it I have some Interest in it or atleast an opinion!!!
  1. AHH splended lasses always luv a good brawl come now we can drink together and besides there be enough of me to go around
  2. Oh Please lasses Dont listen to Swifty Morgan he knows now what he says One to many punches to thee head By all means fight and remember Cheat to win!! :) Sorry bee a bit late got to play catch up
  3. Aye I be sure that these two lasses here wouldnt hurt a sole Angels I say Angels
  4. grammercy all fer the worm welcome :) May the wind be at yer back
  5. One thing I did not see any one mention is that maybe he frillied up for the paining to be done! sence the dawn af time people have put on there best dress for portrates!! so no that may not be what he wore at sea but wit morgan being a captain he probably had finer clothing for for higher acassions. as for it being overly sized it may have been Englich atire for we all know they didnt like to bath they just piled more layers of clothing. an who know what ship he may of found them from or who they may of tailors for. as for the long legs maybe that is how he wanted to look as whell maybe he had a hight complex. as a pirate you get what you want!!
  6. AYE Good day to ye all I be new round here I been meaning to sign up for quite some time but ther has been a lot of work to be done among tis ship. Ye C I bee a gunner and there bee lots of gunns to be swabbed an Primed fer battle. I be known to take faqs a lil serious. but i spend a lot of time researching them but I have been wrong befor an shure to be wrong agian I you know what I mean AYE AYE SAY NO MORE SAY NO MORE!! So Raise yer Tankerds and drink up me hardies YOE HOE!!!
  7. One thing to remember leather was not real popular at sea do to the salty air would crack and stiffin it to the point that it would fall apart. notice that most crew did not wear shoes they most of the time ran around bare foot due to they did not have the money to buy shoes at every port (excluding the Capitan or higher ranking officers hins more share of plunder) not saying leather wouldnt be out at sea it would be a little more scares then most people would think. so more then likely it would be made of canvis, horn, bone, metal, and wood
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