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Captain Booty

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Everything posted by Captain Booty

  1. Ya goofed, Captain C...you reversed the order of words!) (Cheesecake was your last word, LOL)
  2. EDIT (too slow I was) jungle/Wheaties
  3. Legend/circus (Arrrr.. ye changed elephant t' dog whilst I posted.) Legend/collar
  4. Foe he was, yes, but regardless, we found ourselves fighting on the same side.
  5. Cheesecake is such a devine delite, I shall lick my plate clean
  6. Beach bound is where I aim to be
  7. Every so often I will change the first and last words, but until I do you have to make a new sentence with the same first and last words. You can reverse the order of the first and last words so long as you have the same words at either the start or end of your sentence. Jelly fish and crustacians were all that I found scattered on the hot sand.
  8. This is the "Two-Word, Alternating-Word, Word-Association" thread. It is like the One Word word association thread, but there is more to it. Every time you post you post two words unrelated to each other, yet related to the two unrelated words posted before you. There would be an invisible X between the post before you and your own post. From the post preceding yours, the first word connects to your second word, and the second word connects to your first word. Say the first person, me, begins with: Tree--Refridgerator The next person associates a word with the last person's second word Groceries-- and then follows that with a word that is associated with the last person's first word. --bluejay So now we have: Tree--Refridgerator Groceries--Bluejay Groceries connects to the last person's Refridgerator, and Bluejay (the bird) connects to the last person's Tree. Get it now? Tree--Refridgerator Groceries--Bluejay wing--vegetable soil--airplane altitude--insect ardvark--Himalaya Yeti--snout And that's how we do it guys and gals. Everybody with me? No???? C'mon, it'll be fun, I promise! Since we are civilized people (with some exceptions) we have to have rules. The first rule is, we have to have rules. Since the first rule says that we have to have rules, here are the rules: 2) The 2nd rule is that we have to have the rules listed in order, which brings us to rule #3: 3) The 3rd rule is that rule #3 has to come after rule #2. I know that sounds awfully similar to rule #2, but trust me it isn't. Don't ask me why, just trust me on this. 4) The 4th rule is that you must post after the preceding person, not before. Get in line like everybody else, bub. 5) The 5th rule is that if 2 people post at the same time responding to the same previous post, the next person follows up in response to the second post posted at the same time as the first post which appears before it. 6) The 6th rule is, completely disregard rule #5 which makes me seem like a sore loser. Instead, always go with the first post posted after the post that the post was posted after. 7) The 7th rule is, never forget the most important rule of all, rule #1. Okay then, now, do you remember the pattern? Tree--Refridgerator Groceries--Bluejay wing--vegetable soil--airplane altitude--insect ardvark--Himalaya Yeti--snout ^ You can take it from there. Yeti--snout
  9. This is the opposite of the Last Word Becomes the First Word. You take the first word from the prior person's post, and make it the last word in your line. The rules for this one are vastly different from the rules of the Last Word game, except for Rule #1, which is the only one that you must heed. The game is as the title says. You take the first word of the last poster's line and make it the last word of your own. Here are the Rules: 1) All the rules must be followed. 2) The first rule is the most important rule. 3) You must absolutely follow Rule #1. 4) Rule #1 must always be followed by Rule #2. 5) Disregard all the above Rules, except for Rule #1. 6) Don't post twice in a row. 7) Always use the first word of the last person's line. 8) If two prior peeps posted at the same time, use the first word from the first one's line. 9) "That's" is a contraction of "that is", so if the prior person started their line with "that's", a hard word to end a sentence with, you can end your sentence with "that is". The same applies to "what's", "ain't", "she's" and "he's", evt., ect., Ready? Set? Go: Cheesecake is to die for.
  10. Arrrrr...I come bearing gifts to this board, and my gifts, in addition to my fine self, are some of the word play games I started at a previous board. The first one is, "The Last Word Becomes the First Word" The game is as the title says. You take the last word of the last poster's line and make it the first word of your own. Here are the Rules: 1) All the rules must be followed. 2) The first rule is the most important rule. 3) You must absolutely follow Rule #1. 4) Rule #1 must always followed before Rule #3. 5) Disregard all the above Rules, except for Rule #1. 6) Don't post twice in a row. 7) Always use the last word of the last person's line. 8) If two prior hearties posted at the same time, use the last word from the first one's line. Ready? Set? Go: Pavement to skull is the quickest path for the drunk on the walkway of life.
  11. And how in the name of biological science is his ass generating current?
  12. When trophies are involved, we can master even the things we normally hate doing.
  13. I am upset about the Olympics. It is a sham, a terrible shame, that a major sporting event has been overlooked and excluded from Olympic glory. This should be a major event in the Olympic games, I tell you! It is dramatic, it is dangerous, it is intense, it is a requirement of great skill and coordination as well as rigorous training. I am talking about, of course, Extreme Ironing. http://www.extremeironing.com/index.php
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