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Captain Booty

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Everything posted by Captain Booty

  1. I can only reckon 'ow he got stuck to yer chin there, laddie. Ye gots to ensure the road kill be dead before ye sets about to eat it, ye know.
  2. ^ makes me wonder if 'er middle name be Mos.
  3. If a regular man is a laymen, does that mean that he has to sit or lay?
  4. Cleveland Ohio, where Drew Carey's show takes place in?
  5. Have you all had enough of the current first and last words yet, enough for the new first and last to be chosen by the next person who posts here?
  6. Table tennis, anyone?
  7. I know of one way, though there are surely other similar programs to this one. Go here: http://www.statcounter.com/how_it_works.html ...and sign up for that free program. I used it on a message board I modded at, as well as on my Live Journal Page and my website. It will tell you not only how many visitors have logged on to your page, but also what countries they are logging from (through the base of their ISP and IP# actually), and also if you cared to monitor this, what search engines they used to find your page, and from where they linked over to your page from (such as if they clicked the link you have in your profile here, for instance). Now that I think of it, Stat Counter will not tell you the user names of those who visit your site, but only their IP numbers. In the free version, that is. There are also paid versions which have much better features, so you'd have to look into that to see what further descriptive info they will provide you. P.S. Arrrrrr.
  8. Ye all check me profile, and thar be me Myspace addy..
  9. ^ Arrrr, in't that a goat on her face thar, ye ol' privateer?
  10. Subliminal messages, aye? I expect to hear people clucking about this. I'll bet it's going to put those who don't have time to crack the codes in a fowl mood.
  11. Wow. At least in Kentucky when they have shotgun weddings, the guy gets a human being for a wife. But the irony of it is pretty funny. The poor schmuck gets caught screwing a goat, has to marry the thing. And according to their laws, he'll never be allowed to get a divorce, and God help him if he cheats on his "wife" with a real woman. LOL...Some men call their wives old goats that they got stuck with, but he did get stuck with an old goat till death do them part!
  12. Curse me not, fair damsel
  13. Have you no grasp of the order of things here?
  14. I have so many, but this is all that I can think of currently. All the Star Wars films...yes, all of them. All the Lord of the Rings films (I have yet to read the books, but want to) Dances With Wolves Rain Man Jerry McGuire Jurassic Park Master and Commander Forrest Gump True Lies The Abyss Pirates of the Caribean White Men Can't Jump Raiders of the Lost Ark The Last Crusade Spiderman 2 Rocky Rocky II The Fugitive The Usual Suspects Fight Club Titanic Aliens Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Hero House of Flying Daggers Kill Bill 1 and 2 Pulp Fiction Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original) Coming to America The Matrix (but not the sequels zzzzzzz) Lion King The Godfather 1 and 2 Shawshank Redemption The Green Mile Goodfellas American Beauty Patriot Games Hunt for Red October The Wrath of Khan The Journey Home The Undiscovered Country Ben Hur The Ten Commandments The Towering Inferno The Posieden Adventure Gladiator Braveheart Jaws Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind The Final Countdown Frequency American History X Terminator Terminator 2 The Land That Time Forgot Seven Signs Superman 1 and 2
  15. Sank me hopes, that varmin tax collector did
  16. Have no fear, Booty is here! (thar be yer new words...arrrrr)
  17. blasts/blanks (kewl...the alternating words coincidently contradict each other.)
  18. ^ Doesn't know that my timbers are still shivering.
  19. ^ Has an indescribable wife and a tatoo he can describe.
  20. ^ Followed me quite quickly on my new word threads and evidently enjoyed them.
  21. So here be th' deal, th' way t' play th' game. Ye say somethin' that ye know about th' swabbie who posted last, above ye, from the'r profile or the'r posts or things known about them. Da Simple Rules: 1- Nay say anythin' really personal an' private about th' swabbie above ye. 2- Nay insult th' swabbie. That`s nay what this game be about. 3- Nay chit chat in this thread. Only post somethin' about th' swabbie above ye. 4- If another swabbie posts jus' before ye get yer post posted, or both posts appear at th' same time, edit yer post wi' ^ about th' new swabbie above ye, an' if ye want t', wi' ^^ above th' swabbie about that swabbie that ye first meant t' post about. 5- Always preface yer posts wi' ^ pointin' t' th' swabbie above ye. 't jus' looks good like that. 6- Be havin' fun. Thar ain`t nay one above me so I dasn't be havin' jack t' say, so I be at th' mercy o' th' next swabbie t' post.
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