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Captain Leigh

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About Captain Leigh

  • Birthday 02/18/1972

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Movies, especially pirate movies. I really like the old Flynn stuff like THE SEA HAWK and CAPTAIN BLOOD. I'm also a big horror and sci-fi movie fan as well. Oh, hell, I like all movies. I'm from Wisconsin so I'm a huge Packer fan. I also am a bit of a history buff and can't get enough of those A and E and History Channel documentaries.
  1. Thanks everyone for your suggestions so far. It's nice to see you're all on the same page :)lol! Just so you guys know, I do want to find a happy middle ground between a complete fantasy with dandy boys running around and a realistic portrayal of pyrates. It's going to have some fantasy elements (with the success of POTC the investors would make me walk the plank if I didn't), but the pyrates themselves will be real mean and nasty, which all of you agree is a good thing. And a quick FYI to the guys and girls that mentioned it, I HATE the MTV style of fighting too. This is my third lower-budget action movie, and I'm all about using good stunt guys and letting the camera hang back and catch the action. Not sure how I feel about the "slutty" pirate girls. I'm leaning more towards making them a little more Anne Bonnay than a bunch of pirate wenches. But, maybe it will be a little bit of both. We're shooting in early March in Southern California. We haven't cast everyone yet, so keep those PMs coming. Thanks again, Leigh
  2. I've just begun preproduction on a feature film about pirates. Since you guys are the core audience, I was just curious as to what you would like to see. I have plenty of ideas myself, as I am a huge pirate movie fan, but wanted to give you guys a chance to chime in before I start shooting. Thanks, Leigh Scottjava script:emoticon(' ')
  3. So, I finally got the money to make the pirate movie I always wanted to. Not a lot of money, but enough to make something really cool. I'm based in Los Angeles but can move if need be. I need boats, actors and locations. Any ideas or help would be great! Thanks, Leigh Scott
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