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Everything posted by barbariansandbabes

  1. Hey all Thanks for the welcome and viewing our site. Im always looking for imput on it (good and bad ) so i can improve it. Also i was wondering if i did a layaway sort of thing for if it would be of interest? Im not asking anyone nessicarly to buy, but just your opinion on the general concept. Im also apprenticed to a custom boot maker and they are a bit pricey so i thought some sort of payment would be nice. So anyway for the warm welcome , and to my new found friends i set a discount code for the chrome flogger. At checkout use " PirateDisc " for the sale price . Its for $25.00 off the list price. PS . I also enoying teaching leather work, so if anyone needs some imput on a project i may be able to help Cheers all I need to get some thing for a headace, too much rum last night John www.barbariansandbabes.com
  2. Hello Lady Alyx Thanks for the compliment on our site and bodices. Im sorry to say we wont be at the So Cal faire. We live on the east coast and do not have the luxury to attend faires that far away YET . I also have a request (from my lady) to make a bodice like those that is push up stlye instead of the under bust, look for them to be coming soon to our site . Take Care John www.barbariansandbabes.com
  3. Hi All I just found your forum and must say I like it . Im am tossing my tricorn in the ring so to speak along with a shameless business plug for myself. I make and sell floggers. I have them ranging from the 10 dollar range (not yet on my website but will be soon) and up to the $150 ish range for a chrome handled master piece :) . (if i do say so myself) . here is my link http://www.barbariansandbabes.com/servlet/...gers/Categories We are not a S&M site but are renfaire merchant with some extras We also have blarics and belts ect... greenighs i would suggest any flogger that u take with u on a plane. have the bag checked (not a take a carry on bag if posable) I have taken certian item with my that way , my toys (hehe) . Might the easiest way to go Take care this site rocks John www.barbariansandbabes.com
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