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Everything posted by bailang

  1. I didn't like it that was one of those things you have to be drunk to hear and like
  2. I will keep her in my prayers and i wish her luck, comfort, and the grace of God
  3. I'll give an ARRRMEN ter dat
  4. tis to hot here also but the craftmanship looks very good to bad i'm allergig to wool
  5. I's thought it twas kinda funny and corny at the same time but it had pirates which made it better
  6. aye indeed bravo I's wish i could do somethin likes that but i wouldnt know where to go to start.
  7. That be pretty funny an fun ter watch.
  8. very sexy says I almost Purrrfect.
  9. wasnt that from one of them American Pies. i's believe the first one.
  10. I'll give an armen to dat.
  11. I now ave a new respect fer milk.
  12. I posted too and there isn't many in georgia either.
  13. I's met Shipwreck John mostly because i work wit em.
  14. me username is simple it be de first four letters of me last name BAIL and the first three letters of me wife's name ANG pretty simple and a little corny I suppose but it works
  15. i's be a clean shaven sort since me wife nor me job likes facial hair. and me job don't like long hair or earrings either. buts i keeps me earring at least
  16. me list only contained 4 items 1. Find the perfect woman fer me and get married. already did 2. Become a father -- thats about to happen, me baby be born around june 1 3. Be a great dad and husband that will take a great deal of effort and time not to mention patience 4. and finally to learn as much about pirates as possible that will probably never be checked of me list
  17. i'm a furniture sales/recieving/stock/cashiering associate at an office supply store.
  18. I's tried it once but it dint goes wit me beer very good.
  19. thats be the bloody truth as was me case I's knew me wife fer 6 years before any kind a relationship happened
  20. ouch
  21. i's have been wonderin whats the names fer alls those things fer awhiles and i's be thankin ye fer postin this info.
  22. thats be a weird one. I's never knew dat wa possible
  23. mostly it is Guns And Roses and then country kinda weird huh.
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