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Everything posted by Syera

  1. *Groans* Not AGAIN! Anyone want to shoot whoever is responsible for this mirror-image movie-ing and get 'im out of our misery?
  2. This may seem strange, but to me it feels degrading to the characters to have people dress up as them and whatnot for various events. Probably because to my mind, they are violating the character.
  3. The font Michaelmas might also be a good choice. Not only is it an attractive font, but it's also free. I find that it's elegant enough to look nice, but simple enough to look good even on a smaller scale.
  4. Argh. *Spits nails* So much for my dream of Pixar leaving Disney forever and doing what Pixar does best: make movies that make Disney's current creative "geniuses" and writers look like gradeschoolers. With a few exceptions, Disney hasn't made anything really remarkable now for... well, years.
  5. I have some golden hoop earrings which were purchased at ShopKo - just the plain, ordinary hoops with no extra dangly things. Yesterday, I made me some fangly earrings. I cut some dead branches off a corkscrew/curly willow and whittled a pair of "fangs" out of some of the curvier sections. I used a pin and a small hammer to put holes through them (alternating sides so the hole came together in the center and I didn't have to pull the pin out so far). Also, I sanded them with a fine-grain (emery-board-like) piece of sandpaper. Using a larger needle, I widened the holes to where I could get a safety pin through, for a couple of safety pins became the earrings' hooks. (I used a wirecutter to cut off the head of the safety pin and sanded down the sharp end.) Because they're made of willow wood, they're not only light-colored, but they're also light-weight. I've had them on all day today and they've been extremely comfortable, far as earrings go. :)
  6. I've been looking off-and-on for the font used to spell out "Pirates" and "Caribbean" on the Pirates of the Caribbean cover art. So far, I've found an impressive collection of gothic fonts, but none of them are that particular font. Does anyone know if and where this font (or a re-creation thereof) exists anywhere on the Internet?
  7. Ah, One Piece. I was just going to mention it. Boy, is it quirky...
  8. Pardon my skepticism, but have you a published article to back this up? Because... if this is true, I'm so gonna be spitting nails.
  9. Syera

    Gold Age Food

    Hmm... a bit early for the Golden Age. By... about seventy-odd years. Probably all the cookbooks back then got plundered to death.
  10. Syera

    Gold Age Food

    I went to Project Gutenberg and searched for "cook." As I hoped, they have some very, very, very old cookbookish-type books online. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/10072 - a cookbook from 1764 (I think) http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10520/10520.txt - no date given, but the writing style suggests it's a few grizbillion years old. And here's their home economics category... http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/loccs/tx Hopefully, that'll net you a few recipes. :)
  11. Since you're supposed to be going out on a rather exotic tack, I'm gonna tell you what I'd really, really like to see. Something Arabian Nightish. I'm sure this could be done well. -A scimitar would probably work very well into the design. -A magic lamp would, I believe, be difficult to work into a design and have it look good, but if it could be made to work... well, you'd be my hero. :) As for Chinese flags... -Dragons are probably an obvious choice. A tiger could be pretty nice, too. -Red is considered a fortunate color. Yellow is or was or something the Imperial color. Hmm... pirates who want to be royal pests? -Cranes are considered a symbol of longevity. Birds in flight are very dramatic!
  12. If you don't like the feminine names it gives you, you can always give 'em to your mother-in-law, your ex-girlfriend, the bully from school... whomever you want, really. I don't know how to make an options menu - at least, not in Java. I know it's been done in PHP, but I really don't want to do PHP generators. One major reason: you have to be online to test/use them, and if I had to be online during the testing phase, it'd take me approximately five grizbillion, three hundred seventy thousand, five hundred and thirty-nine years to get it finished. There are several variables that factor into this, most of which want to use the dial-up Internet. I have, however, made inquiries as to adding an options menu on a Java-based generator. :)
  13. Well, I've added some more pirate-related generators. They'll need a bit of work, especially the ship name generator. Suggestions welcome! Pirate-Related Generators
  14. Nice stuff. :) What I could really use now are some good old adjectives. You know, "smelly," "crazy," "mad," all those groovy piratey descriptors!
  15. Hoo, yeah. That's made for some good ones. Like "Bucket Eyed Chuck" and "Rum Gut Tom." Thanks muchly, and please, keep 'em coming! :)
  16. Alas, the piracy bug hath bitten me, and bitten me hard, for I feel infected with the urge to dress and act piratey all over again. Anyhow, I decided to put my pirately urges into something constructive, and have been working on a pirate name generator. As it is, I believe it's lacking in a few departments - so, I'd consider it a great favor if you'd all check it out and give me some suggestions as to words I could add so as to give it more variety. Pirate Name Generator I'll probably make a few more pirate-related generators in the future. Like ship names and pirates. XD
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