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About Capt.Rummy

  • Birthday 08/06/1991
  1. I like this from a Masefield poem: I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied But how do you shorten that... Its great though. If only he worded it differently. Anybody know any other poets?
  2. Yeah I definately want it to be more serious. Agreed. And "I'd rather be training cabin boys."????? Id rather not nice Im not a butt pirate. lol
  3. good ones so far... the tattoo is full back tattoo, image is of a ship, parrots, skulls, ocean... parrots holding banner
  4. oh i like soft and warm. Do you have a close up of the buttons?
  5. K so as some of you know im getting a pirate tattoo and I have a banner that a piratey saying was gonna go into. I was going to have "Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, A pirates life fer me". But any of you know any others aside from that and "dead men tell no tales"?
  6. I like Disney... they're ok at what they do best. Cartoons with cheezy musical morals... And great pirate rides. I love Pixar for what they do best. Toons that arent cheezy, are moral and musical free and funnier than any Disney cartoon put out on the market. They do not mix and should not mix. Their child would be ugly. Real ugly.
  7. I wanted to buy a pendant with a really nice replica or even real treasure coin. Ive been to Acocha.com but its way too much for me at this time. I guess real is kind of out of the question. However some places say they have replicas made from silver bars found in wrecks. I dont want to get one thats silver from the wreck watered down with crap. Anybody know any GREAT sites for sunken jewelry????
  8. I dont get Disc Times :,(
  9. Well SNL sucks now. Not funny at all anymore. MAD TV is where its at!!!
  10. yeah and what are the letters and other things?
  11. really? lololwhat was it for?
  12. Hahha oh man, you guys see this? Funny stuff, check it out. SNL PIRATE MOVIE Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
  13. Really? Thats awesome!
  14. Im thinking Alice Bowie from Cheech and Chong.
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