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PepperBox Pete

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About PepperBox Pete

  • Birthday 02/13/1974

Profile Information

  • Location
    Burbank, California
  • Interests
    Let's see....I'm a professional artist. I have a love for Horror films. The old ones not these crappy, Bubble Gum music video remakes. I'm married. Three cats and one dog.
  1. Good Day me fellow Pirates, Ya best be support'n our fellow pirate for he is helping out his fellow man (Children I should say)! Attached is the website of the plunder he be willing to share he be! HUZZAH TO Marty the Pirate! PepperBox Pete http://www.martinklebba.com/martin_klebba_..._foundation.htm
  2. Standing behind Mr. Bones Waving hands in air! "Told you Na-Na-Na-NAAA!!"
  3. His rings are on the wrong fingers...HELLO! (the left hand) What happen to his neck? OOH! I love the white piece of floss hanging from his hair! Where's his sword? It's cut off! This is too funny. His compass has multiple lengths in the photos! Good job though! :angry: Did I metion this is NOT REAL!!
  4. YA best be going to your local store to pick up the figures! Reports are in they are going fast! Target seems to be the hot spot for the collectors! PepperBox Pete
  5. Thanks! I understand about the design aspect of things. It's different font, design etc.... Thanks again!
  6. Do you have to pay royalties if you did a shirt that said Prepare to be boarded, Surrender the booty, A Pirates life for me....etc.......Or any Piratical saying. Did a quick search, couldn't find anything. These phrases are not from a film or anything.. Help. Thanks!
  7. Even the mouse whens to draw the line.
  8. That ad was a typo and some heads did roll they did! Trust me the line is AWESOME!
  9. Ya need to be sav'n your sacks of gold for the Official Pirates of the Caribbean Line. Ya didn't hear that from me.
  10. Sorry Bess, Thar be no Keychain in their future.
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