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Sad Swab Sam

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  • Location
    Southern France
  • Interests
    I work in the movie industry and have for nineteen years I just got married and we are expecting our first. Our first for both of us.... just found you site and need to sell off some of my collected gear.<br><br>I (we) really enjoy bike riding and cooking. I enjoy (used too) pirating.
  1. Oh yes the coat! a beautiful size 44 chest franciscan upholstery material in royal green and traces of black underlay in a nice fleur de li bevel cut velour pictures yes there are plenty of those see ifin these might show somes of the hold sale items http://community.webshots.com/user/la_woman00/0
  2. So here I am I been pirating ere in the south a france fer the betters parts o nine years and I goes an gets married last fall and we be expecting a little one to be taken up some time so I be needin to sell me stuff I gots stuff too! two matching (reproduction) wheel lock pistols one long blade brass and rosewood twisted handle claymore and sheath one bugle one deck scatterer flinklock (reproduction) one cutlass one short sword one knights dagger one King Arthur dagger one blunderbuss two fine sashes three silk XXL natural color tie front shirtings one black one leather tricorn size XL all this is in exceptional shape and all working parts work please pm me if and when convenient.
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