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About Aaron

  • Birthday 12/16/1970

Profile Information

  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Arrr be interested in ship ahoying and swimmin in the briney. My best mate be a ships cat and we likes to read about anything nautical especially history but we dont drinks rum. Favrit book is Robinson Crusoe and one day hope to tie our hammock in the middle of the Pacific and spend our days lying on a deserted island. <br>arrrr
  1. Arrrr be forgettin a tale of swash and buckling called "Savage Islands", be made in my homeland of New Zealand in 1983 and directed by Ferdinand Fairfax. Be starrin Tommy Lee Jones and pray witness to saving pretty maidens and in battle with the germans (no offence to any germans that may read this), heaps of stunts and pirate mayhem. Aaron
  2. Michael row the boat ashore, hallelujah, michael row the boat........you get the idea. Aaron
  3. Thankye kindly Mr Blackfoot, i have many an odd and some not so odd questions for the more experienced crew, is it ok if i post them here at capn twills? Aaron
  4. Ok so where on board was the head? or was there one, did they just relieve themselves by going over the side or climbing out on the bow sprit, whats the deal? why do i want to know this? i have no idea. Aaron
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