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Everything posted by ffergil

  1. Scourge of the seas. An appropriate name for both of us... I´m glad you found our site intersting. We just play "teacher-pupil" or "Master-slave" as you play pirates. And some of us take it seriously, while other jusy play, just like you... Different ways of enacting our fantasies...
  2. Hi, pirates. I´m the webmaster of www.ecstagony.com. You link to our Flogging Istruments Dictionary. By the way, there are not some Navy related whips in the Dictionary, there are all the names for whips in the navy I could find after 3 years of research on whips or the like. (but for manatea, I never heard of that one. I will check my sources). Maybe something could be of interest for you in the site (even if it is basically BDSM) is a whip that should surely had been used in pirate's ships, and is the rope cat o´nine (http://www.ecstagony.com/eng/info/artinst/catnavy.htm). It was widely used in the war and merchant navys of the time (and many pirates would have been acquinted with it, the hard way. For the purists, it would not be used hanging from the belt, because they were custom made for each punishment, but it has the advantage that it can be made easyly and cheaply by any pirate. And it looks mean.
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