Capt. Sawney Beane
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Sorry to piss everybody off... And I say that as a greeting, I understand the problems and work that goes on behind getting ANYONE to do what they promise, you have no idea what I do for a living, nor what I've done.... I was upset that I had to find out somewhere else, that I was not privy to, as I was as ready as everyone else to buy shoes... I stand by that. STILL. I DO NOT FIND FAULT WITH GREG, WHOM I'VE NEVER MET I was willing to blindly do business with whomever... That was my feeling, still is, get over it. I was pissed that I had to search for the answers to the questions I had asked. If I have to be the Asshole, so be it. I thought you people were Pirates. As an aside, Hey, Greg thanks for all yer work. I know it was a labor of love, it wasn't about you, yer site and work is what appealed to me. I was excited and willing to throw in. I was pissed about the COMMUNICATION from the others that have a relationship with you. Busted limbs suck and I hope yers heals straight. At least ye will know when it's gonna rain, that's the plus... I know. I've been busted up way worse and it sucks. Pirates should get over being so fragile. On this forum for one... I lost my 20 sided die... Still Beane, Somehow still the ass, and proud of it. Someone's got to be it.
And this is my point, how were we supposed to know this, ON THIS FORUM? I was the one that copy/posted the other info into this thread. I understand greg is injured, and that he moved and that there is no control over the shoemaker and I'm sorry about that, but there were waiting customers on this forum as well. I stand by my statements. Beane
Actually ears WERE pierced depending on crossing the Equator. A gold hoop in the right for the first, and one in the left for the second crossing. This of course could only be done for a sailor that had the means to make the investment, and was not indentured or impressed into service without personal belongings in tow. Any outstanding debts, either civil or domestic would be settled with the pawn of those gold rings, from the deceased. Though not the norn, it was widespread. Many merchant sailors, when coming in contact with native islanders where also tattooed in the fashion of the natives. Again it was not stereotypically the norm, but was common. Historically this has been documented in the Royal Navy and not just with privateers. The Bounty is a classic example. Beane
Not to be the ass, but I got more information from the other forum, on a subject that was started here, and after many queries, was dirercted there. I'm not blaming anyone, life gets in the way and people are people, but I'll be bowing out of the group buy at this point, there is no sample, no promise of one, and a more detailed discussion of the situation on a forum I was not aware... or privy to. I need not be in the dark. My money is is just as green and my time just as valuable. Sorry, that makes Beane mighty sore. And as a Pirate in word and action that sours me. In Point... "PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:47 am Post subject: Reply with quote To be honest... at this point "I'll be damed if I know" what the hell is going on. It doesn't seem well. I have been promised a sample now for the last 3 months and nothing has arrived. I called him around May 1st, and he said he was going to send it out May 15th. He claims that the sample is completed, I just can't believe that if its done, he is just too busy to send it. This doesn't bode well. I understand that re-enactor suppliers are notoriously late and lack follow through, but this isn't a part time vendor, his buisness is to make shoes. My heart is telling me that if he is having a hard time getting me a sample shoe, then and order for 30 pairs is a disaster waiting to happen. And since this is not a for profit venture on my part, I bet that continuing this project with this vendor would be inviting a world of problems, which at this point in my life, I can do without. Plan B I am talking to some other shoe makers and providing them with the details of what the shoe should look like. Hopefully, one will take on the project but it will be on an individual basis, not a group order. I should have the responses by next weekend, and will let everyone know where they can get them. Sorry it didn't work out as I had hoped. Greg" Why wasn't this posted in THIS FORUM, IN THIS THREAD? This is where the orginal "30" waited. Do you operate in such rarified air? With a heavy heart and sadness I leave you, as always, Capt. Sawney Beane
Is the shoes on or off? What do we need to do? Beane
Beane is ready.
Thanks fer yer work Sir Beane
As it be March, has he sent the sample to ye? I am ready to stick my feets in something sturdy. Beane
I was wishing 30 would tail in so we could start these shoes. My 14's ain't gettin' none smaller. Beane
At 6'6" 14's are dainty at best. Beane
I would be in for a pair of 14's. Beane