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    Port Royal, Jamaica
  • Interests
    Minding my plantation and properties in Jamaica, attacking the Spanish dogs at every opportunity, serving his majesty in England, tending to my business and political interests in Port Royal, center of commerce in the New World.

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  1. Wow, this was some time ago. Obviously the Pyrates of the Coast are once again anchored in their home waters of Puget Sound, in the Washington territory... state that is. Yeah, this is Hurricane.
  2. The 2012 inductees to the International Pirate's Hall of Fame have been announced. Three very worth pirates have been added to the hall of fame, including someone who should be a very familiar face, at least if you've been to Florida. Some of this year's nominees should also be known to you, including Mission, Cascabel and Scarlett Jai. Check out the inductees at http://www.internationalpirates.com. Nominations for 2013 Hall of Famers is open. If you know a worthy pirate who fits the criteria, send in a nomination. - Hurricane
  3. That's actually a fun idea since the original key lime pies weren't baked, but cooked themselves with the ingredients. It's late 1800s but very Key West. Here's a history of it: http://www.key-largo-sunsets.com/history-of-key-lime-pie.html
  4. A great Northwest book tour complete. The only downside was that I didn't pack enough books along. I have a few mailings to do. Next, the east coast one somewhere up Daytona Beach way. Thanks to everyone who has said such nice things about my memoirs... Fair winds, Hurricane
  5. Well, thank you sir! I hope you enjoy my many adventures, as well as the misadventures. The book release party on Saturday was a blast, at least what I remember of it. Fair winds, good sir! - Hurricane
  6. The digital version has now been released as well on Amazon.com for those with Kindles or Kindle apps on their iPads. - Hurricane
  7. Ahoy all! Hurricane here, using the only user name that I can seem to get to work here. Anyway, my autobiography covering my 30 years as a pirate performer is out. From 1982 as a young Seafair Pirate in Seattle until my rediscovery of my mojo at Conch Republic Independence Days in April of this year, all the tales, adventures, fortunes and misfortunes are laid out for all to see. Lots of hilarious tales... from anchors caught in snot boxes to sleeping with a blind guy. And a very odd parallel of events in my life to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. And amazingly, it's all true. It's for sale on Amazon And on my own site: Memoirs of a Buccaneer - Hurricane
  8. Ah, the Hurricane incident. Good times! Soon everyone will be able to enjoy that moment along with many other amazing tales in my new book, which will be released at Pirates in Paradise and then again in January in Seattle where it all started, oh so long ago. Sneak peek Nov. 30 at 11:30 where I will be doing a reading of the book at the Authors & Artists Luncheon at the VIP Tent at the Annex. Coming to Amazon.com in December 2011. Kindle and iBooks January 2012. Quite the adventure, if I do say myself. - Hurricane
  9. Thanks for sharing this. What a great event. So much going on and so many great ideas. Good show and great video. - Hurricane
  10. Hey Mission, Yes there is a general admission to everyone this year at Pirates in Paradise. It's $5 a day or $20 for a VIP pass for all 11 days. The fee is necessary to cover the cost of all the expanded entertainment, security, power, permits, marketing, etc. Children are free, of course. Pirates who volunteer by filling out the form and doing their shift for four hours get a one day pass. If they volunteer for 12 hours over the 11 days, they get in free to all the daytime and evening events as well as access to the VIP-only sections of the event. This includes the Bad Ass Pirate and Most Buxom Wench contest, the Walk the Plank Championships, Tall Tales Competition, play performances, etc. So, for those that are planning to attend anyway, doing a volunteer stint is a good way to go since it saves the cost of admission. Hurricane
  11. Ahoy all! Hurricane here on my alternate account... Pirates in Paradise is just around the corner. If you'd like to save some money on admission this year, we have lots of volunteer opportunities during the whole week. As a volunteer, you get the following perks, based on the time you volunteer: ALL FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS WHO DONATE 4 HOURS WILL RECEIVE: Festival Day Pass, Pip Festival T-shirt & Shift Drink FESTIVAL VOLUNTEERS WHO DONATE 12 OR MORE HOURS WILL RECEIVE: $20 PIP VIP 11 DAY FESTIVAL PASS (offers FREE Festival gate admission daily), Pip Festival T-shirt & Shift Drink, FREE Tall Ship Sail AND discounts on Feast Tickets! Volunteer opportunities abound, from working the grounds as a pirate performer, performing on-stage, or just helping out with all the festival needs, which are many since we've doubled the size of it. It's a great way to save some money if you're in town for the festival or getting in town early for the invasion at the fort and want to get in some additional pirating time. And as a 12 Hour level volunteer you not only get the 11 day pass, but a tall ship sail, too. Not a bad deal for having fun all day long with your pirating friends. If you're in the Tryal of Anne and Mary. scheduled to perform on stage or vending, you already have a VIP pass for the entire festival so no need to fill out this form. Others can fill it out here at: http://www.piratesinparadise.com/volunteerform.pdf Let me know if you have any questions and we'll see you in a couple weeks. -- Hurricane
  12. Thank you Captain... your assistance is most appreciated. While I appreciate the fine service my brave mates have provided our country in facing up to the enemies of his majesty, I have no stomach for common pirates. They are mere rabble around these parts and we see them hung on the morn every day in our parts. We will gladly turn any of them over to you and we invite you to peruse the patrons of the Catt & Fiddle at every opportune to seek out these scoundrels. I know most people in the town, so I can assist in ferreting out those visiting port, for uhh, shall we say, further questioning by your sort? Fair winds on your journeys until we meet. -- Sir Henry
  13. Certainly my sworn duty to King Charles II is to roust this rabble from Port Royal. I will be glad to turn any of the rogues over to you, sir, if you prefer. Otherwise we will just try them and hang them at Gallow's Point as always. -- Sir Henry
  14. No, they welcome it actually. They love people in costume in the audience. It adds to the show. No need for advanced warning, though I wouldn't bring the stickers with you or any real flintlock. Otherwise, open season. This is the fourth time we've been their in our regalia... -- Sir H.
  15. I removed my statements not because of any regrets. I will be attending the PyrateFest in the Bahamas at the same time as this event so I felt my input was no longer appropriate to this discussion. I hope the event goes smashingly well for all who attend. It sounds like it will be a grand one. -- Sir H.
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