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  1. I've helmed a ketch, a sloop, and a trawler, owned a 19' trihull motor boat (used primary for fishing) and sailed aboard an authentic replica tall ship. NOTHING compares to the emotion of being on the deck of a tall ship.... feeling the sensation that only that can produce, listening to the symphony of the ship and experiencing the sea and wind!!
  2. I'm a reenactor for the fun and learning. Of course, the added bonus of euphoria experienced from seeing those eyes light up and faces smiling (both children and adults) defies verbal expression. Authenticity or non.....personal choice in my opinion and neither has the right to criticize the other for that choice.
  3. Would love to have seen the pictures but that site requires you to register. I'm already having problems with someone using my email address to send online pharmacies ads so I'm reluctant to sign up at any site now.
  4. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one for you.
  5. Jack Sparrow is a pirate for any century....past, present, or future! Well done, Thorr.
  6. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one for you!
  7. Greet photos! Thanks for posting them.
  8. Good suggestion, Du! *raises tankard*
  9. Hope it's a wonderful one for you.
  10. I'm glad you left 'em in, Quill...... I rather enjoyed the view! Indeedy do, I did....... :)
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