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About Deadbishop

  • Birthday 09/09/1975

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Frozen North
  • Interests
    Lootin', pillagin', plunderin', boardin' enemy vessels, and enjoying a good cup of Earl Gray at tea time....

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  1. A great read as always...
  2. Greetings mates, I'm a tad slow on the upkeep, but I finally finished uploading my pictures from Port Washington. After this year, I'll be dragging a bigger crew along next year! Port Washington Pirate Festival 2007
  3. Jib, we're hoping to make a trip to Bristol. Perhaps we'll see you that weekend? BTW...Merrydeath, pleasure to meet you at Port Washington! Would be lovely to see you again at MNRF this year!
  4. Always good to hear about poorly maintained e-businesses. Communication is vital to keep a business going. I've had similar problems in the past, and you know what they say...a happy customer will tell 1 friend, a pissed off customer will tell 100.
  5. Hmmm, I like the fact that they have black t-shirts, I just wish they had black hoodies and such too...
  6. Amazing...of course, the guy is an electrical enginaeer, so he can probably do this stuff in his sleep. Wish I had the resources for something like that...
  7. Yeah, I wish Torrid was still a bit more like Hot Topic. As far as the selection for CafePress goes, I think they need a bit more for men. I noticed most of the garments are for women.
  8. I've had a goatee for nearly 8 years, and then when I was moving into my 1st house about 5 years ago, I let it go into a full beard that I keep neatly trimmed now...seems I follow a tradition of the men in my family, as my father did the same, and my brother did too. I plan on keepin' the beard, so reason to not want it. I think I look rather dashing, and a bit swarthy...
  9. Well, if it is true, I'll be jumping up and down for it!
  10. Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Neutral Good. Funny, I thought I was more of a bastard than that...hehe.
  11. Yarr, what an excellent treasure map! I buried meself in the upper northern regions...
  12. Yarr... It's a bit suprising to find out how many pirates there truely are out at MNRF. It's great to see groups like My Lady's Cutlass and Pirates of Portabello out there now. Now myself, I work right across from Puke & Snot, so it seems we are spread far ans wide across the grounds. I'd like to meet more of ya, hopefully next season!
  13. I've had this CafePress store for some time now, so I'd thought I'd share it here since they just now started selling BLACK shirts, which is of course a pirate's favorite color. I plan to add a few more things soon, so keep an eye out for them... Deadbishop's Modern Pirate Garb and Booty!
  14. My ship that I currently operate is "The Blatherscythe". It sings through the water and cuts down any fools who gets in it's way....
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