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Captain Cronus

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  1. AVAST, THIS BE THE FIRST TIME I SEE ONE OF YER WANTED POSTERS AND MAY I SAY THAT'S SOME AMAZING WORK! if I had money I'd get some... question, what is you rule about photocopying your artwork? (dunno if this has been asked)
  2. it's been a long time since I fancied posting on these here forums... I am finally gettin' me costume done fer halloween... so I be one happy pirate captain.
  3. redd very nice list and very nice instruction on how to make a pirate name. Thank you, Capt. Cronus
  4. Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me get a name for a friend's sister who is in a pirate play or something like that. something that sounds interesting, not just a normal name.
  5. yarrr, ye be amazin, thank ye.
  6. what's the url for the Pirate Dictionary/encyclopedia? the REALLY long one it was amazin'
  7. avast, it be a good song.
  8. Is there a website that has lyrics for their songs? I am listening to Yo-ho-ho and I want to know the lyrics to it.
  9. Good song Booga. where can I find all the lyrics for it? I want to sing this when I go to my friend's house
  10. that's what I was thinkin' but I found another pair that will suit me quite nicely.
  11. I doubt me uniform will be done in time.. me mother don't think that she can finish it. and someone just bought me damn boots... off e-bay.
  12. does anyone have a catalogue from HatCrafters and can scan hat #50 for me? Because I need the hat for the 19th and if I get a catalogue, it'd be too late to order one and get it shipped up here. -Capt. Cronus
  13. that should be good.... hard work, but good when you're finished. Good luck with that. -Capt. Cronus
  14. First how many of your are going to do this? I know I am. But I feel like taking it one step further. making it "BE A PIRATE DAY" If I can get my pirate clothing done for the 19th I will be dressing up and talking like a pirate. anyone want to join me? -Capt. Cronus
  15. too bad them boots be expensive, I be needin' boots for cheap. Me mom (cuz I be under 18) aint wantin' to spend a fortune on me pirate uniform. Me thinks that Ebay would still be best. -Capt. Cronus
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