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El Capitan'

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Everything posted by El Capitan'

  1. Agh! Te davy's lockah with me, I haven't been on in a while! Forgive me fellers!
  2. Another one o' me crazy cutthroats.
  3. Lol, I'm likin' the pirate ninja. Now the argument tis settled!
  4. Above your text box you'll see IMG. Look for your image on the net and right click it to go to properties, once their you'll see the URL for the picture and you just copy and paste it in the box that pops up "after" you press the IMG button. Then it should pop up. At least, that's how I did it.
  5. Ye a pirate? Or r' ye a mouse? Very well done, mate!
  6. Tis a fine piece a werk indeed, I may have te plunder et from ye! Just kiddin' mate, we may be backstabbers, but we treat our fellows with respect, at least us bucaneers.
  7. Thas too much techy stuff fer me. But yer not off topic at all their mate!
  8. Tis quite simple really, a bucaneer may pillage an' plunder an' backstab, but he be knowin' how te have a good time. An' with a world a blue te be explorin' it be a fine day to become a pirate, mate. There be treasure everywhere, but a pirates treasure be only dependin' on a pirates values. An I say rum! Rum an gold an good kinship! A pirate ain't a pirate without his hardy mates. To rum, to adventure, an' to a jolly good time!
  9. Well, alot o' people like cartoony, ye's just needs ta be confident an' practice o' bit, it does a bucaneer a lot o' good to be confident in his abilities. I had a friend who did cartoon characters, I couldn't do any o' them, even if they were so simple. Strange isn't it? Anyway, good luck!
  10. With determination and the will to practice, ye's can be quites good in due time.
  11. Well, that one be done entirely in pen. Not te boast, but tis a dangerous task te be drawin' in pen. One big mistake an' it's all over. Yer right though Mad Matt when ye say the anime style is very common, tis what I grew up with learnin' tho' can't say a hasn't tried new thing though. I may show a completed computy drawin' of em'. Almost done with et. :) But I want te see some others werk as well. I kno' I not be the only bucaneer with some skill.
  12. This be my latest art.
  13. I'll take a simple Cap'n Morgan if ye don't mind. I be fairly new me'self. And can say their be many o' fine talkers in this fine pub as well as many a fun te go aroun'. Enjoy yer stay fellow pirate!
  14. Aye, it be a terrible day years ago... but alas, make no mistake that they were true men to th' cause. :) A salute te all ye veterans of old. *salutes*
  15. I me'self be a huge fan o' the traditional arts. I actually been workin' on a few pieces fer me own pirate crew. I be more o' a character developin' artist. Ye be right about th' competition tho'. Not many a land lubber can make it big without goin' thro' a ruff time. I be willin' te do anythin tho' te get me ideas out there.
  16. A good tale indeed ta hear from a man of experience! A toast to yer successes, and may yer rustyness be quelled with proper practice!
  17. A fine paintin' indeed. :)
  18. ya be readin' me th' wrong way my mateys. I only meant good converse. I be a fancien' the fine arts me'self. Bein' on the verge of 18, I've gotta a barrel o' options ahead o' me. But I was wonderin' if I weren't the only pencil & paper bucaneer in this pub. We all be havin' a fancy in another thing er' two. No sense in not tellin' what they may be, aye? :)
  19. I, though a mighty fine bucaneer such as many of ye fine fellows here, happen to have takin' a fancy to drawin'. Any of you cutthroats abroad have any skills with the common pen & paper? Or maybe ye have another trade worthy of boast! Explain yerselves here all ye bucaneers of the pub. I be wantin' to hear these abilities of yourn'!
  20. I be tryin' to shed off me newb skin and get recegnized as a true bucaneer. A round fer all my mates of the pub!
  21. I never really was inte the common bird. I'll take me monkey. :)
  22. I me'self enjoy: 1. POTC 2. (The New) Treasure Island (though o bit' futyistic fer the aver-o-age bucanneer) 3. Muppet Treasure island ( A barrel' o laughs in one tele' show)
  23. A great Trailer! Stirs the blood in me bones! Pirate's live on!
  24. A course, it looked much better on me post box.
  25. My "would be" ship would be dubbed "Blue Thunder." She'd hopefully be lookin somethin' like this: | | | | | | | | ___________ | | |__________| | | _________/ |_ [] [] [] []_ \_________________/________/ \_________________________________/ | \_______ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []_____/ \__\_________________________/ \_____________________/ Somethin' like that.
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