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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Slobberin' works well also for drool and when ye' needs the Thesaurus just go to www.dictionary.com and click the Thesaurus option. Another great reasource is www.rhymezone.com which will find words and phrases that rhyme for ye'... But whose got time to compose a rhyme when a life of crime takes all o' mine?
  2. Correction Cap'n!!! Ye' be a mite fergitful at times. Pirates do not RIDE muni.... Pirates BOARD muni and RAID muni in what t'will go down in San Francisco history as THE GREAT MUNI MUTINY!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Now that's a little more like it!
  3. Arrrrrrrr!! What a wonderful find I just made!! I've been looking at different options for the support braces for underneath the back cabin. I wanted something kinda cool and unique-looking. I searched everywhere for a scroll-style support and they cost a small fortune. Next I started looking at shelf brackets- about $12 each and since we'll need five of them under the cabin, kinda pricey for something that is plain and not what I want. Then I found there are a lot of very cool looking gargoyle wall shelves that would make good braces when painted gold, but they were all just a little too small for the overhang of the cabin. The ones I liked best were just the face of a gargoyle. Then today, I stumbled upon the perfect solution at Toys R Us. They have plastic children's halloween trick-or-treat buckets molded into the grimacing face of the Incredible Hulk! The backs of the buckets are elongated so the size is just about right. Spray painted gold, they won't look the least bit like the Hulk, as the face is much narrower, then I'll mount a gold ball under the face to give it a little more length. The buckets are $2.99 each. It should look VERY cool with 5 growling golden gargoyles on the back. After halloween, I'm going to hit the halloween discounts and find a skull to paint gold and mount at the top of the back cabin above and between the windows. Here is the photo of the buckets and again the photo of the back cabin again so you can visualize all this. The trim on the windows and part of the rails will be gold also. Looking at the photo again, I may also try cutting one in half and putting a profile at the end of the cuve on the back cabin. I love cheap solutions!! ps El Pirata, I forgot to mention that the brown paint also has to adhere to the metal of the trailer.
  4. :) And don't be fergettin' them rubber-soled deck shoes!! Least wise ye' might fall on yer piratical arse like I did!!
  5. We began preparations at work this morning- Two pirate flags be a-hangin' in the hallway and signs saying "Silicon Valley College prepare to be boarded!" and "Ye have been warned!" hang from the walls. I be recruitin' students to come dressed as pirates too... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
  6. Aye Cap'n!!! T'will be a fine night o' rabble rousin' Friday and a bloody battle on the high seas Saturday! We figured out how to rig Jeff with a voice box... we're gettin' him a baby monitor, so that we can be a fair distance away and make Jeff talk to passers by! HARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! So pirates, be thinkin' o' good lines fer ol' Jeff to say- "Arrrr ye' be a fine wench! Wanna scrub me back?" "Hands off me treasure!" "Avast mate! Give me a bite o' yer burrito! I be starvin' to death!"
  7. OK wenches... which lad would you rather wrestle in a bathtub full of Jell-O? Brad Pitt as cowboy, or Johnny Depp as a pirate?!! (Orlando doesn't count as he's only semi-pirate) I be a-goin' for the "Depp Charge" me-self!
  8. There's just one thing that cowboys have that pirate's don't... Mechanical bulls. I used to go to the Saddle Rack in San Jose every now and then and ride the one there. Having had horses for 15 years and being that San Jose is an urban area were 98% of the people in there didn't know a forelock from a fetlock, I could out-ride the other women. That was fun. Yeeeeeeeee-haw!
  9. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! KA-BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!! Photos and video to follow!!!!!
  10. Thanks El Pirata, that's very helpful to know. The "lesson" in paint gives me a lot to think about and some good questions to ask at the paint store. I had not thought about flexing in the fiberglass and that would be a major issue not only on freeways, but especially going up and down my windy mountain road.
  11. I was going to go to a paint store and get a recommendation of what to use- it has to stick to wood, plastic and fiberglass and be able to withstand being outdoors 24/7. My guess was exterior laytex house paint, but I don't know for sure. Would a typical enamel be better? I understand that paint for boats is horribly expensive and this won't be going into the water. I'm up for any and all advice on the paint!
  12. Yup... that was a non-costumed sail. We do them now and then, LOL. Wearin' our civies that sail we wuz. Glad you liked the photos Cap'n. Royaliste looks beautiful as always. Hard to get a bad picture with her for a subject! Quite a photogenic beauty she is! I Photoshopped out the anchorline in a couple of photos, as well as boats in the background. If you want any other touch-ups so that they'll be website worthy, let me know. I noticed that the image of the swivel gun at sunrise had been converted to a gif format, which is why the sunrise colors are coming out as circles instead of an even color change. You might want to just link to my .jpg image.
  13. I forgot to respond to the earlier post about the truck. For the SJ Holiday Parade we'll be towed by a GMC sponsor truck. Additionally, the bowsprit will not only be angled, but the PVC wired with a lit lantern hanging from it. Saber and I did some talking about the color scheme of red & black. He pointed out that 1. no one ever really painted a ship black and even the Black Pearl wasn't black 2. brown would look more realistic 3. you can't get laytex exterior house paint in black! So, we've decided to go with a very dark walnut brown with gold gilt trim.
  14. At long last... here are the photos taken of the Royaliste in Drake's Bay Click here for the photos
  15. The rear windows are now installed... The toughest part of all (we hope!) was accomplished today- securing plywood to the front of the hull, following the angle of the boat to form the bow- Here Bob is putting in the support brackets- Here you can see how we had to imitate the upward curve of the hull. We got 3 panels on the front of the hull and one on the nearest side before we ran out of plywood, LOL The front 3 panels- Gotta hide that tri-hull with a fake wave or something... And finally, Saber giving his opinion of the whole thing!
  16. Wow Josh, very impressive stuff!!
  17. Saber and I both sail aboard Royaliste's ship, The Royaliste She is a tall ship, a gaff-rigged ketch to be more specific. Quite literally, I'm learning the ropes, but have a loooooong way to go with much to learn. Royaliste's permission to come aboard post above was his way of saying "I've got one!! c'mon out!!" LOL
  18. And he might be easier to haul along on an SF cable car than a full-sized dead pirate!!
  19. Here are two pirate drawings by Red Hand-
  20. "Il Pirata" is Italian! :-) The head of Sail San Francisco calls me that, which is why I gave the image the name. I think it is pronounced differently from Spanish to Italian also. The Italian version sounds like peer-rah-ta with a rolling R. Very pretty. So since you've got me typing in Italian- Molto bello Dreamy! (very beautiful!) ...OK I admit it, I used the on-line language translator for that last line!!
  21. I've had several emails in recent hours... looks like we'll have a good turnout!
  22. If you'd like, I could post it for you Redhand, yes, that would be great to see it! talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com is my email
  23. With all the graphic artists here surely someone else has done some pirates as subjects? C'mon lads n' lasses, show us yer pirates! If anyone's interested, "Il Pirata" was done from a photograph of me wearing my pirate gear and goth makeup- white face, black lipstick, black eyeliner, brightly rouged cheeks, like a mime. Then the photo was transfered into grayscale in Photoshop, the contrast bumped up considerably and then a lot painting in varying shades of gray, black and white to exaggerate and enhance. It was surprisingly easy. Even doing it for the first time.
  24. LOL cyber life has a way of creeping into your dreams like that!! Ye' think DREAMIN's bad... LOL.... I MARRIED the Prince of Egypt!! Hey thanks for cuttin' that guy's tongue out by the way!!
  25. Thought you guys might get a kick out of this one. That's me, believe it or not! My latest graphics project, titled "Il Pirata." Talk about giving oneself the extreme makeover eh?!!
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