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About KStegs

  • Birthday 05/15/1977

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  • Interests
    Lacrosse, good beer, and piracy
  1. Gimme a real scottish ale any day. While I usually like my vodka (Tito's...award winning stuff with a questionable name) Actually been drinkin margaritas most of this summer (more this summer than all previous summers combined). Don't know why, it just happened.
  2. Caramel Apple Pie to drop off at the fair tomorrow, and Whiskey BarBQ wings to drop off at the fair on Sat. All this good food and none to eat...... well...at least I have the extra whiskey
  3. Hello mates, Been around for about 2 years. Finally figured I'd say 'allo. /me pours some rum and passes it around. I gotta say you lot are quite a fun and interesting group. Tis a pleasure to meet ye all.
  4. Me - Steins My missus - Tea cups Old World Christmas Ornaments
  5. Seein as how there are alot of artsy types...was hopin someone could help me out. I'm lookin to make my colors nonauthentic, but personal. Im thinking a Stegosaurus skellie with crossed swords. Anyone know a site with some dinosaur clip art?
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