Country Pirate
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Everything posted by Country Pirate
Thanks Foxe. (Been reading your website - very interesting, and would recommend to anyone who has not been there yet.) I am going to be putting some of my pirate books on ebay, personally signed and with inscription if required. I am currently constructing a website www.thecountrypirate.co.uk as well to advertise my writing. Regards CP
Help wanted!!! I know that a few of you have been kind enough to have a read of my extract, so i would like to make an appeal to those of you who are writers in your own right and have had works published. I have the sequel to this book ready, but would like to get a better deal. Would any of you be so good as to let me have details of any of your, contacts, agents or publishing companies. Or any other help. idea, suggestions (not rude) would also be appreciated. I have been completely through the writers and artists year book in the UK and no one is taking on any new authors. Regards CP
Ahoy, Just to let you all know, my author copies of my book came through today, and they look great, so anyone wanting to order from amazon.com/co.uk etc should get their copies soon. Thanks for the support. CP
Good on you Slipshot. Well done for getting a part. I would love to be a film like PotC. I am a great fan, and it is after watching the film for about the 20th time I thought i would have a go at writing my own pirate story, and the result being I have managed to get it published to. The Country Pirate ISBN 1413787940. You must let us have some hightlights of the filming. CP fil
Thanks to ye all, for the good comments on the book, especially those amongst you who are writers yourselves. I will go and joing the UKPirateBrotherhood straight away. I did go and look at the website. The SWPF may have to be linked into a family holiday, as i am at berth in sunny Lancashire. I have had great fun since i joined this forum, it is really nice to chat you all you out there. Should have joined sooner. Regards CP
Hurricane - If you get the book, i will gladly sign it. Only i am in the UK so if you are elsewhere, it may cost you quite a bit in postage and no guarantee that you get it back by christmas. Perhaps a personal letter/message will do, that i will sign - that you can glue into the front cover?? Tall Paul - Thanks for taking the time to go and look. Give me some dates for next year and I will see what I can do. I dont have any problem advertising pirate meets. Although I dont know what state my signature will be in after a few rums!! Black Hearted pearl - Thanks for you kind comments. The cover was designed by the publishers, so i am not really sure where they got it from. CP
Ahoy Tall Paul I write pirate tales, go and see my stuff in plunder under NEW PIRATE BOOK. I am from the UK, and am now going to go and have a look at the UKpiratebrotherhood. I dont do any reinactment stuff, but am still interested to hear about it. I must admit it was the Potc that rekindled my interest, although i have always liked pirates and other swashbuckling type characters since being young. Now that i am about to reach mid life - i have decided to fulfil one of my ambitions and write a book. There is a sample of the text in the plunder section. I am a new author, and would appreciate all the support that i can get from my like minded friends. Regards CP
Pirate Petee, you are a gentleman. Thanks you most kindly. Dont forget to tell your friends. Plus you have the added bonus of being able to talk to the author personally via the forum. Regards CP
Hello mi' ship mates. I am a wench of my word, and here is a sample of my text. This is part of what i am going to be reading to the 7 years+ group in a couple of weeks. Chapter 5 - Old Tom Old Tom was a curious character. He hardly ever spoke accept for the odd greeting to the guests and a "Thanks you Sir" every now and then. I think him to be around 50 years old, but I am unsure. His appearance made him look more like 70. His coat was of the roughest weave. It must have been a dark blue color when new, but it had seen so much sun and dirt that all the color had gone, expect for a small triangle of cloth that peeped over the head of one of the large deep pockets where the stitching had broken. He never took it off whilst serving, even on the hottest of mid summer days. His shoes looked as thought they had belonged to a gentleman once upon a time. But now they where held together with odd laces and had more than one hole in the sole of each. He never wore a hat, but kept his long grey hair tied back with a black ribbon. His face was often unshaven, but not entirely unkempt. He walked permanently with a stoop, though without the aid of a stick, and his eyes were constantly twitching and looking everywhere except where you thought they should. This evening Tom took his place by the door as usual. I was still in a sore mood for not having found any more coins, and my annoyance was etched upon my face. Pa was back from his merry jaunt with more ale and was busily watering down 3 of the 4 barrels. He hadn't brought any extra rum back with him today, except on his breath, as none had been consumed from our stock the evening before. Ma was flurrying around the kitchen, and I was leaning on the wall near the parlor to kitchen door. From here I could see everyone in our Inn. As I watched, waiting for the first visitors to arrive, Old Tom sat like a quiet mouse. He kept looking all around, even though there was no one in the Parlor yet. Every now and then he would lift his hand to the latch, but then bring it back down to his lap. I would have thought it a strange action had it been from anyone else, but Old Tom was just a simple idiot with little needs. Then his twitching gaze caught mine, and he smiled at me. I looked away, half in shock of being caught watching him, and half in shy curiosity at his smile. Maybe I would keep my own eye on him later. The sun was now low on the horizon. Suddenly Old Tom called "Guests…..Guests……" and sprang to his feet and opened the door. The first of the visitors entered, nearly knocking Tom over in their rush to get in. It was all hands to the deck, The Four Keys was off on another nights voyage. Within minutes the room had almost filled. Ma always left it until it was nearly full before she made her overpowering entrance. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, please some quiet…." she paused long enough for them to hush and turn and face her. "Ale all round?" she cried, raising her arms to encourage the crowds reply. "Aye" came back the chorused answer, and so the routine started again. Ma glided around firstly with the jugs of the better ale, and I followed with the tankards. The guests grabbed and groped her playfully as she waltzed by, and she teased them by dropping their money in to the front of her blouse where she had placed a small purse between her bosoms. It amazed me how she kept control of it all. I will give her that point. She ran the Inn with an iron rod. What she said went, and no one dared answer her. She was a larger than life character, but still for all in intents and purposes a single woman running an illegal Inn night after night. She couldn’t count on my Pa, as he was always too busy in the kitchen, watering himself and the ale. But the evenings ran as smooth as they could, considering the type of personages about the room. The Four Keys was the only Inn within walking distance from the nearby harbor so our clientele was a little unsavory to say the least. Ale was not what they really needed; they all really needed a good wash. But as ale was what they wanted, that is what they got. Many were sailors that came, or should I really say small time pirates, most already drunk from the ships rum, seeking a change of scenery with a foot and a sleep on firm ground instead of the rolling sea. Our local village was about an hour or so to walk to back in land, and although it was nearer to the harbor, because it offered no drinking places, the visitors came to us instead. The villagers were aware of our Inn and the reputation of the guests that frequented it, but as long as we kept them and their drunken ways away from their little homes and their little lives they left us in peace. ++++++++++++ Dont bother to point out any obvious mistakes, I already know! Just go and buy the book and show a fellow pirate some support. Thanks. CP
Cpt H Thanks for the comments. Someone told me i should have called my book HARRY PIRATE (assume that you have the Harry Potter fever in USA like we do in UK). If i could just be a penny behind JK Rowling, then I will come over and buy you a real drink. I did the under 7's reading last week, but with a different pirate story. Regards CP
DMM Thanks for posting a copy of my cover. Needless to say it is not me on the front. I will try and get some text on tonight for a sample, but if anyone has any questions please feel free to reply. (I have long dark hair (on my head), wear large hooped gold earings, and have slate grey eyes - all dark and mysterious - so be kind with the reviews!!) Thanks for the offer of pirate kit, but i have come across a flouncy shirt which will do for the school reading, although i might suddenly break out into a bit of shakespeare - Alas poor yoric, i knew him well, must have been a pirate that cut off his head! I have also wrote the sequil which is much darker and involves a little supernatural stuff - demons, witches, ghosts and the like. I am though waiting to see how this one goes first so that i can get a better publishing deal from someone else. Regards CP
GoF Its a lovely jacket really. I have just started to go into local school and do writing workshops for infants. I take in all my props, jolly rogers, cutlass (not real ones though because of where I am), pictures etc. In a few weeks when my book is out I will be going in dress (as a pirate) to read excerpts to the juniors, so my initial comments about not getting dressed up - are not quite true. I just dont do it as much, and in as much accurate detail as you. (Although i probably secretly wish i did!) Regards CP
Black John, Cpt Hurraine, I note what you say. I am not arguementative by nature, and can understand what GoF's point was in his posting, and apologise if i have caused any offence. I will arrange to have some text posted on the site. Yes there is a type of relationship portrayed in my book, as correctly predicted, but it is not a love story. I am not normally an active member on forums, just a reader, so was only really out to prove the point that i am not just a fly by night visitor.
Cheers to Caraccioli. Thanks for your kind comment. If GoF thinks that i am a quitter then he has thought of me wrongly. The book for those of you who are genuinely interested, is suitable for ages 10 years upwards (this does not mean that adults should not read it - i read plently of books for teenagers etc). Just because i am a woman dont assume that it is love story either - far from it. As mentioned before, i dont write this for a living, and i dont have time to fart around in fancy purple velvet coats, got a job to go to, family to look after, and roof to keep over my head, and I am part way through completing a Honours Degree in Health and ASEY. I will post a copy of the cover and sample text soon.
Just to reply, in particular to that cynical bastard, the gentleman of fortune. I am a pirate fan, and have been for many a year. Ok, i dont do the reinactment stuff, my taste is more to just read about them, but the subject takes to everyone in different ways, otherwise we would all be captians shouting orders and no one would get any work done on the ship. I am a first time writer, and for anyone who has been in a similar situation, you will know how hard it is to get anyone to look twice at your manuscript. Unfortunately i have not been given any money for marketing, and I am having to make my own way, so it is getting posted everywhere. I dont write for a living, and i am not expecting to make my millions from this book, but i thought that some other pirate fans out there may like to have a read of my story. Of course any booty that it make would be appreciated, who wouldn't want to fill their chest, but money was not (honestly) my main goal. Just to make you happy i will go an fill in my profile, so that you can read all about me, and find out that i am a wench and not a lad.!!! For those of you who are kind enough to go and order the book, i thank you most kindly, and for those who dont well you dont know what a little treasure you will have missed.
*** NEW PIRATE BOOK*** COMING SOON. Written by my goodself and called THE COUNTRY PIRATE, ISBN 1413787940. Get your scurvy crew out a lookin' for it, and tell them to buy it you for christmas. It is for sale via www.publishamerica.com, or amazon, barnes and noble, or borders bookshops. (If you cant find it on the Publish America site, send them an email and tell them to get it posted on their now!!!!) SYNOPSIS 1716 is going to be a year that Sam will not forget. Located on the South West Coast of England is ‘The Four Keys Inn’, where Sam lives and works, and after a chance find of a coin and a jewel, there begins the start of several dramatic life changing occurrences. Pairing up with Old Tom, Sam becomes a thief and steals from the pirate guests…. but Old Tom is from bad stock and not as honest as he initially claims! When events take a turn for the worse, Sam decides to run with the mysterious Captain Marcus Fleet, who carries with him several dark secrets. With the aid of a cursed silver ring containing a blood red ruby, a family heirloom, he purposely leads Sam towards a new life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it.