Sam Flint
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Everything posted by Sam Flint
Some of those Rum's i've never even heard of but they all sounds scumptious!
I consider myself a toy and collectible expert but I haev never seen these before. I'm guessing they came to you loose and thats why you don't know the company that puts them out. In my opinion it looks like they are from either a miniatures game or they were developed for display purposes only. My guess would also be that they are not manufactured by an american company. A UK comapny most likely. Not sure but if you find anything else out let me know I'm very curious
Opie and Anthony on XM
I have a myspace account as well. The link to it is in my signature...clcik on it and let me know what you think about my profile
I did a some brief coverage of the game on my website and in the article included pics of some of my home made islands. here is the link: http://www.collectiblebitsbox.com/potsm/POTSM.htm
I made about 15 islands in a single weekend when I first started playing. Then I went out and bought a piece of white project display board and spray painted it in a light blue. I made some darker hightlights as well. Then with a little of that wax tacky stuff i was able to adhere the islands to the board to prevent them from moving during game play but also did not ruin the board underneath so we can move them around each game. I made the islands out of pink insulation foam, black paint, grey paint, white paint, railroad fine flock, and railroad grade sand and some wood glue. Buying a foam cutter made life wonderful and using a soddering iron to make some more of the intricate shapes and what not made the islands look pretty darn good. 1 hard weekend = hours of pirate playing fun. P.S. Has anyone picked up South China Seas yet? Is it any good?
My Xm radio...I love it. I love the programming and it it's tons better then regular radio
Ok I think I found it and I joined. Not a whole ot of us over there yet though. Why not join up folks?
Hmm I can't seem to find it?
This is the type of weather that makes me long for faire season to start up again. Only a few more months
The weather is gorgeous today in my neck of the woods and it is making it very hard to get thru this afternoon in the old cube. 2 more hours to go and I have almost gone completly batty. I need to get out of here.
Hello Captain. Welcome back to the pub. Can I get a tankard of Rum?
I'd love to cool ya down and warm ye up :::takes a seat between the two::: Do you ladies need anything I can get ye?
Well if that ain't swell timin...I walk in to Drinkin time and Chests heavin'
Welcome to the Pub friend. I hope ye enjoys yer stay here.
I stand corrected!!!
Yeah but can ye tie the cherry stem into a knot with yer tounge...that be where the real skills lie
So whats for breakfast this morning?
Welcome Captain Stifler! Hope you enjoys yer time here at the pub and if'n ye don't mind I'll be taking a tankard of grog me self. Ray..one tankard of grog over here please.
OH MY GOD I love it. If i use it i will let you know Thanks so much. If anyone has a vision please keep them coming I'd love to see what people come up with Matt
Sure any help would be appreciated
Ok so after many years of deliberating on wether or not to get a tattoo I decided I still want one. I also have a vision in my mind of what I want it to be or look like but being the unartistic fellow I am I can not get it onto paper. So I am asking for some help from the artists in this community to help me out. I would love to have a design that is a pretty typical skull and crossbones but with some additons and changes to it. Instead of the crossed bones under the skull I am looking to have two chef's knives or cleavers crossed and then either resting on the skull or hovering immediatley above it I want a chefs hat, the kind the sweedish chef from the muppets wears. I don't need alot of elaborate coloring or anything like that. Anyone that could help me out with this I would be forever greatful. Matt
I've just found out that this year the NJ Renaissance Kingdom will be instead be a Pirate festival. I went to their website www.njkingdom.com and see they have a listing for auditions for this festival to be held soemtime in June. I wonder if it will be a worthwhile event??
It's true mud does stick to ya in the oddest places.....I feel as though I have a mud suit on now
::With a good push from Bunny Sam goes face first into the mud. He sits up turns around and wipes the mud of his face. He gives her a big grin:: You gonna Join me?