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About BatSpell

  • Birthday 02/04/1974
  1. Dawg This site seems to have several too...just have to page forwards and back to see em all I think...
  2. Try this...it has some... Frank Langella
  3. Ahoy Mates! I tried both games... The willy one was easier... Arrrg...lol -Deadly Drucilla
  4. Uhhh...No Thanks..!!!
  5. Really SUCKS!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  6. Woo Hoo!!! I Loves the sound of cannons going off!!! It gets me blood pumpin!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  7. Ahoy Mateys! Who'da thunk...Puttin' Pyrates to a MAP of all things... It be a Darn good Idea! -Deadly Drucilla
  8. Personally, I'd like to see a movie about Anne Bonny, Mary Reed, and Calico Jack! That'd be just ArrrrrrrrSome!!! -Deadly Drucilla
  9. Ahoy mate! Here be somethin' ye might think horrid..sometimes the ship's carpenter had t' be th' ship's surgen...only because the tools they used were similar! Imagine havin' a venerial disease an the carpenter whips out his tools.....Ouch is all I gotta say! So's ye see...sometimes crew members had several duties upon a ship...especially if the ship were short handed. Deadly Drucilla
  10. Ahoy Mates! It be lookin' better an better fer the chances of us (Deadly Drucilla & Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz + his mum), that we be goin'!!! It'll be th' first time we gets t' interact with our guild! I be one excited Pirate!!! Always knew I were a scoundral, now it be me first time t' show I be a scoundral!!! Can't wait t' meet all ye bretherin' o' the Sea!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  11. Ahoy! I fer one have been going to Ren fairs fer years and have hated wearin a tight bodice and uncomfertable dresses! Thats one reason I switched to Piracy. I kin dress likes a man if'n I wants to! Er that is wear pants and comfertable clothing!!! I hated not being able to wear anything comfertable. At Renaissance fairs, yer restricted (if'n yer a woman) to wearin Bodices and dresses and skirts and bloomers and all sorts of layers of clothing that weighs ye down! I HATE that! especially at really Hot fairs. Also Piracy is way more fun!!! besides... Restrictions and rules and fair nazies are for Ren Fairs...not Pirate fairs...or pirates- which I am at heart!!! Deadly Drucilla
  12. Ahoy! I likes to watch that video...I'm sorts o' mezmerized by it (for some reason!) . But the only problem I gots is that I dunnot like country music...At all. But, for some reason........................hmmm....Cap'n Jack Sparrow is worth googlein' an droolin' at!!!! Deadly Drucilla
  13. Ahoy! I likes the look of it! It's real nice. So's ye cannot fight with it but a small wooden toothpick. At least ye has it to show off! and t' look at...and carry...and touch...and fondle...wait, this ain't turnin out soundin' good... But anyhoo...Congrats on yer newest aquirement! - is that a word? Aw, I'm a Pyrate, who cares on real words or even spellin' fer that matter!!! Deadly Drucilla
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