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DreadPirate Diedra

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About DreadPirate Diedra

  • Birthday 05/05/1984

Profile Information

  • Location
    Brighton, uk
  • Interests
    frightening little children, eating little children, sleep and drink, cider be my poison if ye wishes ta know<br>tis true that i am a sun shy wench though, those gothic stains are deep in me blackend soul, so from the shadows of the deck do i command, and well do my crew follow my orders.gar!
  1. patrick is hilarious! i frighten my landlord staying up to watch it, even made him watch an episode or two, but he just thinks im strange...well, no wonder really, but really, this is A-Class entertainment if you ask me! i love sqidward, he is so depressed that it makes me laugh...kinda reminds me of soome funnier goths ive met haha
  2. ye aint sad cap'n no-beard, had i more gold id own the dvd of the spongebob movie! infact i be thinking id even buy all the episodes ta laugh at and find joy in, aye mr crabs be a black heart if ever there were one :) tis my favorite show...aye i shud be a wee bit out grown of cartoons, but this here show does me a world o good
  3. Aye lad, I be thinking I may be in tha same state a mind as ye, sad I feel fer being single, but events o the last few tides ave me thinking id like a place fer me head in tha cannon too. Doubt id be be able ta do me wenching were I a taken woman, men nary do like tha.
  4. ah, thank ya Tall Paul, will amend my mail recieving accordingly just takes some time gettin ta such groups fer the villiany of this here work place i fer now occupy has odd firewalls on nary everything, cant wait ta be back at sea away from such horrid places of slavery
  5. so we all seek hard fer shows about pirates, and this would be one of them, well not pirates per se, but pirate speaking crabs, and all sorts of other hilarios underwater fun, so be there other spongebob fans here? tis a great plavce ta learn tha lingo :)
  6. hope there be plenty more drink in the bar, this lass be single too *raises hand pitifully* ah well more erason ta get drunk then eh? cheers!
  7. ahoy! tis the mistress of the ocean here, joined the brotherhood i did, nery did i ken there was so much pirating on these foggy shores, but aye, i be another in the british isle
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