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Capt. Marcus Keys

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Everything posted by Capt. Marcus Keys

  1. I can't figure out how to get the shots to post, what's up????? I have about three of them, one is a dolphin behind a boat and the others are of Mallory square at sunset. somebody help me figure out how to put a picture in my post.
  2. 80 degrees blue skies with about a 15 knot breeze off the ocean. Hell of a lot better than the 120 knot winds with the palm trees bent over and no power.
  3. We know your just doing your job. The people that make it bad for everyone can't get to the person that put there son or daughter into harms way so they take it out on whoever represents the military and that is you. I know most of the kids in the military just wanted to serve their time and go to school when they get out. Unfortunately they got stuck in a bad situation and from my point of view are doing a hell of a job. I just spoke to my buddy, he is out of the hospital and will be home around the end of the month for a two week leave. His team leader was killed right next to him and his outlook on things has changed quite a bit. I think that is just too much for a kid of eighteen to witness. Good luck and God Bless all of you.
  4. I just found out a buddy of mine just had a suicide car blown up right next to his troup carrier in Iraq. His is alive and well with only minor wounds but lost alot of blood due to shrapnel, luckily he was driving and the car blew on the passenger side. The passenger in the main cab died. So I would like to raise a tall ale for the boys that are over there and one for those who won't be home.
  5. I have a three or four second Deja Vu about twice a week. Very F'n wierd. My dad was very big into astrology until he used it to find a girl who had been kidnapped and buried. He plotted her location as a bet for the guys at his station who didn't believe him. A week later they found her and he was only one block away, he was off because he transposed a number. Scared him and he quit. Mom said he could move stuff when he really tried. I have been able to tell when a deja vu is coming and it's very scary, like seeing the future abut to happen. I only get about a minute notice before it happens, but still scary.
  6. I belive it's Chevy Chase in Vacation.
  7. I've never been to the festival but may attempt to go this year as I am newly single and got nothing better to do. As for Key West you can plan on a few things. Very cramped streets and parking that's a pain, if you find a good lot don't move unless you have to. Walking is a must unless you want to rent a scooter which are everywhere, so where comfortable shoes. Most of the restraunts are pretty good but can be on the high end for dinner, but lunches aren't bad, try Two Friends Patio for a good meal they are on Front Street. I may just be sleeping in my truck behind the Mel Fisher Museum, I know the owners unless they have the boats in for work. Don't miss the Mel Fisher Museum it's a great show they have made some improvements. The ability to pick up a 300 year old gold bar should not be missed. Oh yea if you have never been to Key West, the Gay section of Duval starts at the 800 block and most of the hotels in the area are orientated that way, don't laugh but the bars in that area have some great Drag shows that are hilarious, No I don't bat left field, but other family member does. If there is anything else you want to know just drop me an email. As for Damage there may be a few business' that are closed, to many storms to close together just killed them financially. Have Fun
  8. Born and raised in Miami Fl. Can't speak a lick of Spanish. I understand most of the usual words but don't speak it often enough. I can tell you this, if you learn spanish you can learn just about every other language easier. Spanish is the hardest so ive been told. When I worked with a spanish coworker it was alot easier to learn the language and to have someone to use the language with.
  9. Friends, it appears Diego be right. Pyrates though we be, we must follow the articles of the ship. The articles (such as they seem to have developed) are: 1. Any pyrate who gets the answer correct, can post another, single quote. 2. Any man or woman who strikes out and guesses, own up to it as a guess and wait to see if you're right posting another quote. 3. If a your quote be not guessed for 3 or 4 days, you should fess up and post a new quote for the crew's pleasure. 4. Any pyrate posting more than a single quote henceforth shall be punished by Mose’s Law [40 stripes minus one] on the bare back. (I myself have violated this one at least once. Oh, me achin' back.) 5. Any man who falls behind gets trampled. Outstanding at the moment are the following quotes: "It would never be thought of for one Tomcat to send a Surgeon to another Tomcat..." posted by Dorian Lassiter "We're gonna hold on to them by the nose n' we're gonna kick 'em in the ass! We're gonna kick the hell outta them all the time! And we're gonna go thru 'em like s*** thru a goose!" posted surreptitiously by Black Jack Shalaq "They've taken human error out of war! They've taken human out of war!" posted legitimately by Hitman, who was probably unaware of the Tomcat quote "Incentives are important, learned that in rehab." and "One more Dude out of you and I'm gonna slap the shit out of you okay, Now I try to save you from yourself but you gotta stop letting your momma dress you man, Your hopeless!" both from the same movie, posted surreptitiously by MrPirate "They still want an American to go, Wanna take a ride?" posted surreptitiously by MrPirate, guessed to be from Patton by blackjohn So what say we all 'fess up and start anew with a quote from Dorian Lassiter, who is actually the legitimate person that should be posting a quote at this point? Mission sir, those be some very big words. We be but humble pirates. Couldn't resist.
  10. ..mE THINKS IT TWAS...aDAM sANDLER IN THE LONGEST YARD.. No sir, but it could have been. It belong to one of me favorite movies with just a mention of the Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Ron, with Kurt Russel. it's scary how much his character looks and dresses like me dear departed brother.
  11. They still want an American to go, Wanna take a ride?
  12. Actually that looks right. actually if you watch the movie Captiain blood with Errol Flynn they state some shipboard rules that follow what you have.
  13. Well I can happily say that I have never thrown a fist. I was pushed and threatened by the biggest kid in 7th grade, I literally told him to hit me because there was no way I could fight him. It left him so puzzled I just walked away. The next day he gave me a ride home and said that he never met anyone who stood up to him that way. Now a little later in my school life you could say I was running with the wrong group of people running the wrong kind of product. Unfortunately I was carrying more than one gun and alot of product and was forced to shoot someone to protect myself. There are still alive as far as I know but he doesn't walk that well. To this day I have never lifted a finger in anger, it's just not worth it.
  14. One more Dude out of you and I'm gonna slap the shit out of you okay, Now I try to save you from yourself but you gotta stop letting your momma dress you man, Your hopeless! Same movie: well it looks like i'm on top!
  15. Heres one for you. "Incentives are important, learned that in rehab."
  16. I found this place while doing a search, they may be able to help with parts and stuff. Chest website
  17. Aye, I be suffering from Wilma being here in Miami. No power yet and may not get it back until either the 8th or the long term is the 22nd of November. They be trying to get all the gas stations working and everyone is hunting for gas. I gots me generator but I have sucked all the gasoline from my boat that I can so it's gas hunting I go tomorrow.
  18. Capt. Marcus Keys


    Being from the quite tepid and muggy south I don'ts consume the dark ales much. When on me boat out treasure huntin and fishin it be Corona that goes along. When I hits the pub it may be Heiniken or a Newcastle Brown Ale that I tastes. I have had some great beers when in Califonia but not many Micrbrews around these parts.
  19. Well I ave to chime in on this subject. being that I will be single soon after 15 years of marriage. This be my second and last, I know everyone says that. But at the tender age 41 being single again is not all it's cracked up to be. The clubs are full of women to young for me or their not interested in somebody so old, actually heard that. Or they are attached to someone. Well now that I'm single and having 50K in baby debt from trying to have children, didn't work obviously. My wife has decided she wants to run off and have a full life. Which includes two "friends with benefits". So for me I will continue to go out alone and consume massive amounts of alcohol. It would be nice to find someone just to hang with for the ocassional movie or a nice dinner. This may sound weird coming from a guy and no I'm not Gay in case any guys are going to spout up but sex with another woman is going to be tough for a while, age not being a factor, since I have only been with her for 15 years. Right now I just want to move on, If it happens that would make my day, week, month!!!! So any lasses interested in going out with a 41 year old speak up and I'll buy the drinks
  20. Don't be talking about food! I have been living on Scrambled eggs for two days. Cooking of the grill and it's only gonna get worse. The steaks are thawing out and that will be breakfast tomorrow with a Corona and Scrambled eggs
  21. Well at this late hour4:00 am, or early depending on your outlook. I am sick of WILMA! I want this hurricane to hit and get it over with and then we see what Alpha does. Otherwise not bad, heart only flutters occasionaly due to stressing my soon to come divorce after 15 years. The woman I married has become a person I never knew and I just want it over with. Being single @ 41 sucks, cause all the people out at the clubs are either 20 something or my age and attached. So for now it is more Corona and Maker's Mark and bed.
  22. Well I not been long here, I feel I must answer these questions. The first thing's I notice are the eyes, large and beautiful they should be. The smile, do they have all their teeth ( just kidding) but a nice smile makes me feel good. Then the hair, it must be silky smooth, straight or curly and color makes no mind but me's got a passion for brunettes and red heads. Then the body, i'm not picky as for size as ong as she is no taller than me, and the proportions can be off alittle as long as she is not mistaken for ballast. Now somone pour a round of rum and let's have a party!!!!!
  23. This little test gives me the name of Dirty Jack Rackham. Great Pirate but my name not be Jack.
  24. This could be a plank walking offense! I don't partake of rum on a regular occassion. I have tried plenty and only found Bacardi 8 worth consuming at the Billfish tournement ( it's free)!! But give me a Bourbon Whiskey any time and I will be just as happy as standing at the wheel watching the horizon get closer
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