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Capt. Marcus Keys

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Everything posted by Capt. Marcus Keys

  1. True it was a great show. I think the guy that runs the Syfy channel is an idiot. First the kill Firefly and then Stargate SG1 and then Stargate Atlantis .
  2. Waiting for my Pirate movies to arrive for an Errol Flynn Marathon..

  3. I figured San andreas was next.. just follow the quakes around the world.. Hatai, Mexico then the US.. it follows the America's plates. Hopefully Yellowstone is not next..
  4. Aye Jas, I be buying 2 extra rounds, especially if that "cuss" is in a Corset.. LOL Aye Lady B, I'll have to break into me piggy bank for some loot but I'll be sure and get every cuss in the pub a round. Keys - If I throws in an extra cuss do I git's me an extra round??? Welcome back! Jas. Hook
  5. Also don't forget the money you have invested in your costume. Like Capn'Rob stated if he's bitching now wait till you try to get paid. Get everything in writing including exactly how long he wants the show/appearance to last and I wouldn't negotiate a penny less unless he wants to book the hotel himself. Oh and get 1/2 upfront first and if he extends the appearance get 1/2 upfront for the extended time. Your costume and experience make you valuable if not to him then someone else. Just my 2 or 3 cents. LOL
  6. Congrats on the house! Welcome to the group of homeowners, now you will have no time for anything. You will have to many projects to do around the house..LOL Hopefully you can squeeze in at least one event, I'm hoping to go to my first. After seeing Dinner Impossible the other night, it looks like it would be a great time.
  7. Well I guess my question about writing the Fort is mute.. Glad to hear the Fort will be involved since this may be my first year attending. I hope everything gets worked out and it's a great festival. A big tankard of rum for all those working hard for us to have fun!! Well I guess my question about writing the Fort is mute.. Glad to hear the Fort will be involved since this may be my first year attending. I hope everything gets worked out and it's a great festival. A big tankard of rum for all those working hard for us to have fun!!
  8. Truly, I mean two sentences really is not justice after all of the good will and publicity the Pirates have brought to the fort.
  9. Can we write to the Managers of the Fort or to FOFT requesting that the allow us to camp on the Fort grounds and continue to have the Fort as part of PIP?
  10. Aye Lady B, I'll have to break into me piggy bank for some loot but I'll be sure and get every cuss in the pub a round.
  11. It's been a long time since I've walked these creaking decks. It's good to see some familiar faces and some new ones. Hopefully I won't get landlocked again anytime soon. So here is a rum on me for all you waterlogged scurvy dogs!!
  12. Don't be ask'n me te spell them big words but I be glad te meet each and all. I'll be happy te be buy'n the drinks as soon as I get some plunder'n done.
  13. Aye this long lost Pirate parched lips thanks ye for the rum and the warm welcome to port from his Hi Seas Brethern!
  14. I been marooned fer quite a spell and now I found me way home. I notice there be a few new Pirates and Lasses fer me ta get aquainted with. Luckily I managed ta save a cask of Rum for one and all. It's good to be home.
  15. Ok, we have discussed shaving and not shaving. Beard or not, what do you like in a man or woman. So's I put's it to you all. What is your favoite perfume or smell on a man or woman? Or what do you use? Being in Miami I get's the load of smells on the lasses. I get the latin, caribbean and everything in between. I like the citrus smelling perfumes my self. I usually wear Fierce or Issay Miyake. So lads and lasses fess up.
  16. My Buddy made it home for a 2 week leave for Thanksgiving and a medical checkup. Dec 4th he takes the 35 hour trip back to Rawah or some such friggin place. He hates his FOP. He showed me pictures and it's just a bunch of tents in the middle of nowhere. They don't take a lot of showers (peww) that boy had some stink on him when he landed after flying for thirty five hours in a Chinook a C130 and a civilian jet. He says that the showers just helps the sand stick to you. Everything he owns is covered in fine brown sand. I am just hoping he stays safe and keeps his head down. Here is a big tall one for all the boys and girls serving in the armed forces.
  17. I once boarded the India Star in San Diego, that was very cool. As for history I am Trying to put together a trip to the once proud Port Royal and Tortuga.
  18. Glad to see all is doing better. My prayers for you and your sister's quick healing.
  19. I guess I be the lame duck in this crowd. I have never been to a Faire or worn any garb. I was born and raised in Miami. I have dove on several uncharted wrecks and been treasure hunting since I was a kid, yes the geek on the beach with the detector. I been studing pirates since I was young and just loved the idea of jumping on a ship and heading for the horizon. I am going to try and get to the pirate festival in Key West for a day just to see how everything is and have some beer of course. I will be wearing civilian clothes until I get up the nerve to try on some garb.
  20. I be the talkative one, buyin a round of drinks for one and all. I likes to get to know the lasses and dance a dance or two.
  21. My real name has always been very plain to me, not till recently did I find out that my father picked my name. He didn't want something that would make it tough on me growing up since he named my brother Sandy. But i did find some interesting things about my name. MARK Gender: Masculine Usage: English, Russian, Biblical Other Scripts: Марк (Russian) Pronounced: MAHRK [key] Extra Info: Popularity, Related Names, Namesakes, Name Days, Websites, Comments Options: Contribute Information, Add to List Familiar form of MARCUS. Saint Mark was the author of the second Gospel in the New Testament. He is the patron saint of Venice, where he is supposedly buried. Another famous bearer of this name was Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius), the Roman triumvir who was the lover of Cleopatra. Shakespeare tells this story in his tragedy 'Antony and Cleopatra'. Yet another famous bearer was the American author Mark Twain, real name Samuel Clemens, author of 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn' (he actually took his pen name from a call used by riverboat workers on the Mississippi River to indicate a depth of two fathoms).
  22. This is just one of a few that I use.
  23. Aye matees you knew someone had to ask. Me self I work in marine retail for Boater's World. I like it cause I am around boats and fishin all day. I makes a lousy pay scale so I got's to plunder in the evenings to make it.
  24. Well nows I got to chime in on this. Being recently forced into singlehood. Not saying that some of it weren't me fault, it takes two to screw things up. I ave to be agreeing with Christine on one point. Depending on the day a woman may fancy you and on another not be able to stand you. And Dear Kendra, you are so right about friends, me Ex and me be friends still. Now that bein said, age is somethong to factor in. Me Ex just hit the big four oh and has become some one I never knew. She has two boyfriends and her sexual preferences in the bedroom have become shall we say a little extreme. Now I not be one to complain about a woman wantin some lovin, but it appears that there were some deep secrets that she is bringin to the surface. I am glad that she is happier, like I always told her thats all I ever wanted her to be. Well it seems that you never really know what anyone wants, and when you think you do just watch for the other shoe to drop.
  25. Aye Proud US Navy man 1986 to 1990. I got out shortly before the whole Gulf thing started. I always felt I let my boys down by leaving before Desert Storm shoud have stayed in until that one ended.
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