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Posts posted by BosnReynard

  1. Bah! What "a woman" wants is as varied as the number of women on the planet. Sometimes the answer is not male. The confusion we men feel regarding women is that we like to have a firm, solid formula into which we can plug in a situation and find the end result.

    Woman + flowers + wit = sex and/or relationship

    The simple fact of the matter is that each and every woman we meet will have a different set of criteria for what she finds attractive and desirable.

    The same is true for men.

    Add in the media hype around what we "should" find attractive and desirable and frustration ensues. We end up wanting some ficticious character from some movie or soap opera but, people are just not like that...even the people who strive to live the stereotypes.

    My advice to you all...

    Be yourself and bask in the wonder of the opposite sex.

    /Dr. Phil Rant Off


  2. I believe that using leather strapping (instead of iron) is accurate, especially for larger chests where weight is an issue. Anyone have any research to this effect?

    The only drawback I can see is that leather and seawater don't get on too kindly.


  3. I'm new to the forum, but old hat on the faire going, costume wearing, poking things with sharp implements gig. I'm currently living on Staten Island, but will be moving to Verona, NJ sometime before the end of the year.

    I'm looking for a crew to form/join to share ideas, schedule gatherings and generally have some fun. Drop me a note and let me know.


  4. Hi,

    I'm new to this forum. I'll be goin to the faire on Oct 16th with my wife. I plan on beating down the gates at 10am and staggering out when they close. I'll be wearing black knee high boots, red pants, linen shirt, black corduroy doublet and a black silk bandana. I may be wearing a small dagger on my belt. Note to self: Purchase cutlass soon.

    If anyone would like to meet up for a few hours of drunken revelry, let's pick a time and place. Noon at Cap'n Shucks?

    Fair winds!



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