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Crimson Carl

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Posts posted by Crimson Carl

  1. so on this whole fantasy vs history thing and how the bucket boots came from potc now the popularity mostlikely came from the movie yes but in designing a movie and coming up with costume parts there is reaserch to be involved in it....for example look at lord of the rings now that compleatly fantasy to the extream but for the weapons they used like the swords for example the were based and designed after a type of sword that was used in the medieval period....now is it compleatly unlikely that they did the same for the boots that were used in potc and now made at caboots.com but as young blood posted earlyer that picture they found off a ship wreak 1628 now i know thats not Golden age of pirates period but if some one in the 1600's had the idea then most likely they did in the GOP... but thats just how i look at things

  2. Ok mates i be looking at this game it be a massivly multiplayer online game for pirates www.piratesoftheburningsea.com the boats and the graphics and the detail look awesome you can be 4 factions pirates, british, france ,and spanish if you all like games for your pc i say cheak it out mates B)B)B)

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