Vallejo Maritime Gallery ... is really cool.. EYE gotta go there..
Harbormaster please grant me to tell ye that period or not ... the chest ye has is indeed handsome and Eyes would like to come into posession of one...
"self worth" is the problem.... Or more to the point of me~ me~me~ me~ me~ me~ me~ me~ ..... so "self " is corrupt ! Maybe being others oriented and letting self die in the dust with respect to "selfish acts".... Funny thing about suicide is that a person who goes there is comitting the most "selfcentered" act...
Love takes no thought for itself and is trusting of others and God.
I know this becouse i suffer myself from to much "selfconcousness" /pride...
ME mE ME Me MEw ouhhhh ! yuckie self....
I'm going to the church of -E- Bay now...
This is as you walk into the cove....
This is the completed inclosure.... I'll add some rope lashings to the support posts later...
Every where I go....My Pirate eyes are on the look out... soooo much more to go ....
misssing ~" Scarlet , The Bunny, And Rummy...."
Aye Mates It looks like an empty ship indeed... but Eyes hopes they are plundering and rollicking all the same!
Well now it has been awhile for me to do any updating on this thread for the cove. There has been some prepretory work going on. I finally got me bar room doors and all the siding required. I am getting ready to frame up everything at this point. This should add to the pirate theme goings on and hide the damn washer and dryer
It has taken me nearly 6 months to collect
and save for this investment.
Eye slip out the word "Scuttlebutt"....yesterday...
1. Nautical.
a. an open cask of drinking water.
b. a drinking fountain for use by the crew of a vessel.
2. Informal. rumor or gossip.
[Origin: 1795–1805; 1900–05 for def. 2; scuttle3 + butt4]